panva / openid-client-conformance-tests

OpenID Connect Relying Party conformance test suite for openid-client library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

openid-client conformance tests


A conformance test suite for openid-client library certification of Basic RP, Implicit RP, Hybrid RP, Dynamic RP and Config RP profiles.

Executes tests with expectations defined in RP test tool and downloads the log archive for each of the tested profiles.

$ nvm use
$ npm install
$ npm run "basic" # or "id_token-implicit", "id_token+token-implicit", "code+id_token-hybrid", "code+token-hybrid", "code+id_token+token-hybrid", "config", "dynamic" or "non-profile"


OpenID Connect Relying Party conformance test suite for openid-client library


Language:JavaScript 100.0%