pantsel / konga

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Unexpected behavior in Konga dashboard: Accepted & Handled count increment on dashboard reload

avijit-shihaan opened this issue · comments


Whenever I reload the Konga dashboard, I notice that the "Accepted" and "Handled" counts seem to be incrementing. I'm trying to understand why this is happening.


In the dashboard, specifically regarding the "Accepted" and "Handled" counts, I've observed that with every reload, these counts increase. I've tried to find any reference documentation explaining this behavior, but unfortunately, I haven't been successful.


  1. Could someone shed some light on why the "Accepted" and "Handled" counts increment with each reload?
  2. Is this behavior intended, or is it possibly a bug?

Additional Information:

I've attached a screenshot of the dashboard for reference.


Your insights and clarification on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
