pantsel / konga

More than just another GUI to Kong Admin API

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Started getting error failed to update kong configuration after eks update to 1.21

appasahebs opened this issue · comments


After eks upgrade started getting following error in kong which giving problem to sync upstream routes. After restarting kong pods its working fine until there is not next new routes added.

"failed to update kong configuration: 1 errors occurred:\n\twhile processing event: {Delete} service.http failed: HTTP status 400 (message: "an existing 'routes' entity references this 'services' entity")\n" component=controller

HTTP status 500 (message: "An unexpected error occurred")" component=sync-queue


One more error, which is causing problem on production environment.

2022/01/17 11:57:44 [error] 27#0: *48753164 connect() failed (113: Host is unreachable) while connecting to upstream, client: , server: kong, request: "POST HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: ""