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Presense sensor not working in combination with Proximity Sensor

hfvdv opened this issue · comments

My Setup is as follows:

  • Defined location tracker for when i am home or not
  • Defined a Proximity zone
  • Defined a Presence Sensor
  • AC used for coolling and heating
  • CV used for heating

When the proximity zone ( home ) has status ARRIVED, Location tracker is HOME and Presence sensor is off ( or changes to off ) the AC and Radiator are not turned off. When i remove the proximity zone it is working as expected.


Hi, thanks for reporting.

I will check this soon. Atm I refactor everything and need to sort some things firs. If I can recreate that issue all will be fine. Maybe I need a trace log.


Hey, so I checked this case. Yes, atm it heats if state is arrived. It makes sense if someone uses proximity only. I will change this to make status arrived only kicking in when no scheduling and presence sensor is defined.
I will add this to the refactored version. This gonna replace v4 and v3 this week.

Yes, in the latest update your room should heat up when state of proximity is TOWARDS. If state changed to ARRIVED is has no impact anymore if you defined a scheduler or a presence sensor.
I recently updated the v4 version with my refactored one. Feel free to test and report.

Great. Will definitely test and share my findings. The other thing i noticed ( unsure if i need to raise a feature request or and an issue ) is that:

  • when using my Airco using Midea as a device it is correctly set to heat. Using override to turn off when not needed anymore as i don't want that for my Airco.
  • when using the same Airco using the Tado integration it defaults to cool.
    What would be great is to be able to indicate if the device need to use heat or cool mode.


Yes, thats planned if the current release candidate is ready for final. The active hvac mode selection is already on my list.

Planned features are listed in here in the initial post:

Yes, there was a breaking change in latest home assistant release 2024.02

You have to delete your old entity and create a new service in the ui. The old proximity integration is deprecated now.

You can delete your proximity entity. There are only sensors now. They will be selected dynamically by the zone you defined in your proximity service and the person you set in blueprint settings.

Could you add your car to your person entity in settings?

Ok, I will think about it. Its not that easy with the new integration to select everything right.

Did the behavior you described happen with the current release candidate or with the "old" version. If it's the current could you pick the trace log of your automation when temperature changes to 30? But did you use such great values in your automation. Seems like this is the maximum. It just will be set if you enable force max temperature or you set such a high or higher comfort / eco temperature.

I recently pushed an update. Now you can select a proximity device. This should work like before when selecting the proximity entity. Feel free to test and give feedback.