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Advanced Heating Control v4 set to 30°C and boost mode

o0shojo0o opened this issue · comments

I am new to Hassio and am therefore not sure whether this is a bug or a mistake on my part.
Whenever I deploy the Advanced Heating Control v4, it is always set to 30°C and boost mode.

What is the best way to provide you with good data for analysis?

30°C only will be set if you enable force max temperature or you're using aggressive mode.

Best way is to share a trace log. Just navigate to your automation. Click in the upper right corner to open the trace and then upper right corner again to download the json trace log.

Ah ok I did not use these two features, here is the log.
trace automation.heating_control_buro 2023-12-26T14_16_31.548844+00_00.json

Your valve is on mode auto. Could you check if an internal scheduler of the valve itself is enabled or another automation, integration or bridge fights against this blueprint?

This blueprint only set the valves to heat or off. There is also an option to set it to mode auto, when auto means heat. (that's the case for some valves). But this is disabled in your case.

Yes, the auto is the "heat" for my valves, I had indeed overlooked this option.
i'll change it right away and test it!

I'll give you feedback as soon as possible

But I don't know if the 30°C set by this automation. The trace is from a run where condition not matches. You can also see this in the graph if the main action is executed or not.

Maybe there is something else that sets the temperature to this value. So maybe you'll provide another trace if the issue still exists.

Now everything is running as expected, and the 30°C comes from the boost mode on my thermostats.
Thanks for this comprehensive and ingenious blueprint