panhans / HomeAssistant

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Cannot add include in ui-lovelace.yaml

r3xx0n opened this issue · comments

The following error occurs if I try to add the line

button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named "ui/templates".

When I hit "save", this message pops up:

YAML kann nicht geparst werden: YAMLException: unknown tag !<!include_dir_merge_named> (1:63) 1 | ... _dir_merge_named "ui/templates" -----------------------------------------^ 2 | ... 3 | ...

I edited it in Lovelace Mode RAW config editor.

I need to add a description for installing templates in ui mode. I was busy with my blueprints the last time.

You cant simply add the templates this way in ui mode. You need to do it that way:

So just need to copy the contents of the cards you need and paste them under the button_card_templates section.
I will update the cards soon and going to offer a summerized template that can be easily added to the ui mode.

I'd also love to see this, really like the room card and would like to use it as well

Thanks for all the work on your example. After first starting with the Rounded-Theme which seems to be no longer maintained? I today tried to include the templates from your setup. .Getting the same error as mentioned above. So now reading this, do I need to copy all the templates into the folder of the button_card_templates ? There are all_ready templates with the same names but different content? How to deal with that? Than, having:
button-card-templates: !include_dir_merge_named "templates/"
or some other location is not longer needed? Will things not get messed up when updating the button-card?

yes i dont understand.. too

Ik moet een beschrijving toevoegen voor het installeren van sjablonen in ui-modus. De laatste keer was ik bezig met mijn blauwdrukken.

U kunt de sjablonen niet eenvoudig op deze manier toevoegen in de ui-modus. Je moet het op deze manier doen:

U hoeft dus alleen maar de inhoud van de kaarten die u nodig hebt te kopiëren en deze onder de sectie button_card_templates te plakken . Ik zal de kaarten binnenkort bijwerken en een zomers sjabloon aanbieden dat eenvoudig aan de ui-modus kan worden toegevoegd.


Late response to this, but I'm also having problems installing.

You've put everything nicely in a folder, and then I still have to add everything manually? Or have you already made progress, and perhaps it is time to adjust the manual?