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adding static type checking with mypy

jreback opened this issue · comments

might be interesting if someone is looking for a project :>

See also wesm/pandas2#18 (a advantage for targetting this for 2.0 is we can directly use the python 3 syntax)


continuing the conversation from wesm/pandas2#18

I agree with @shoyer. type hints should be implemented as early as possible. I've taken a couple days off work, so I can get started on annotations for py2 tomorrow. Do you have any preference on how large pull requests should be? if it were up to me, given the relative safety of this sort of modification, I would probably do a PR per sub-module. Let me know if you'd like me to do it differently. After that i can move on to stubs

@brmc sounds great!

I think main things to add are support for Series, DataFrame, Index methods (Timestamp, Timedelta, Period would be nice to).

you are wanting to add .pyi files where the module live? (.e.g. pandas/core/)

will need to add a build with mypy as well for validation.

are there other projects that do this (just for seeing examples), if so how are they adding it?

A concern of mine is this:

essentially you are taking a file, say pandas/core/ and stripping out the impl, leaving the signatures. Then we validate that this works with mypy. I really really want to be sure this stays in sync with the actual signature / impl files. So we need tests that compares these directly (in py3 this is actually not that hard, you can iterate over the definitions and simply compare the signatures). I think if we only compare this in py3 would be ok actually as our definitions should be py2/3 compat anyways. (or do we want / need differing signatures, e.g. a 2 and 3 impl)?

Have others done this?

We'll want to push these upstream to once we have reasonable coverage.

Oh, and I hadn't heard of this, but may be a good starting place? I guess it operates one module at a time so

mkdir out
stubgen pandas.core.series
stubgen pandas.core.frame
stubgen pandas.core.index

@jreback, to be honest, i've never used stubs as a core part of a project I was working on. I've only used them to supplement underlying dependencies or to workaround bugs in my IDE, so i've never thought too deeply about what consequences they might have


ok, I'm about to get started. To be clear, I'm going to only concentrate on method signatures and return types (for now). I'm not going to annotate local variables unless I have some justifiable reason.

Regarding the relevant parts of the contributing docs:

  • style: for short signatures i'll do the annotations on a single line, for longer ones, i'll annotate each parameter individually
  • committing: I should use the "CLN" prefix since this issue has the clean label, correct?
  • docs: Does this change warrant an entry in whatsnew/v0.20.0.txt? if so, where? under Other Enhancements?

I've never contributed to pandas so please let me know if there's anything I'm overlooking

contributing docs are:

style: for short signatures i'll do the annotations on a single line, for longer ones, i'll annotate each parameter individually

sounds good

committing: I should use the "CLN" prefix since this issue has the clean label, correct?

that's fine

docs: Does this change warrant an entry in whatsnew/v0.20.0.txt? if so, where? under Other Enhancements?



contributing docs are:

right. I had already read through it. just double-checking I didn't miss anything major


Just to update, I'm still working on this, slowly but surely. I'm pretty much restricted to weekend work, but it'll get there. it's not nearly as trivial of a task as I expected :)

@brmc No problem, great to hear you make some progress.
I would just advise to make as quickly as possible a PR (just clearly indicate, eg in the title, that it is work in progress, that is no problem), so you can get early feedback on the direction you are going.


@brmc - I was going to start on mypy types. Would you mind sharing what you have? I can start from scratch but that seems a bit silly if you already spent time on it :)

@teh that'd be great. The work is started here

I'm going to rebase and push an update to that and then probably merge soon after. We need to get the basic testing infrastructure in place, and then start iterating a handful of files at a time.


Thanks! Type checking not exactly fast, even with --incremental (30 seconds per run on my machine) 😓

Do you have a preference for inline types over pyi stub files?

Thanks! Type checking not exactly fast, even with --incremental (30 seconds per run on my machine) 😓

I think part of the slowness is from mypy following imports? The commit I just pushed disabled that in setup.cfg. Doing the whole codebase will still take a while though.

Do you have a preference for inline types over pyi stub files?



I'm already running into some interesting problems. E.g.


means that we'd have to add a values = None to the class body of IndexOpsMixin which is a semantic change. The mixin style also doesn't play nicely with is_unique in the same class. There we have:

self.nunique() == len(self)

but we don't know yet at this point that self is a typing.Sized. We could make IndexOpsMixin subclass some ABC thingy but that'd also be a semantic change.

An alternative could be that we ignore the pandas bowels for now and only focus on the user interface (e.g. DataFrame) which is useful for end-users but less so for pandas devs.

Overall already far less trivial than I expected :/

I'm already running into some interesting problems. E.g.

For those types of problems, I'm defining an ABCMixins, like ABCIndexOpsMixin

An alternative could be that we ignore the pandas bowels for now and only focus on the user interface (e.g. DataFrame) which is useful for end-users but less so for pandas devs.

I think you might be right. Do you want to spend a little time exploring this?

so would focus solely on the user focused API

Is anyone working on this? I have been hacking it by using my own bespoke types but I'd rather use official ones

There's a (stalled) PR at #15866. You might want to look at #15866 (comment)

Please feel free to take it up!

nice write up by @shoyer for numpy

we have similar but in some sense more complicated issues as we would
care about a dtype per column specification


I'm currently using company time to develop separate mypy stubs (.pyi files as opposed to inline annotations). I have covered the easy 30% (e.g. .copy()) but indexing is an ongoing, unresolved struggle. We're going to open source if we ever get to a usable state.

I'm not convinced that it'll be possible to capture the full pandas behaviour in mypy-annotations in a meaningful way - meaningful as in don't use Any everywhere.

With that out of the way:

  • The numpy typing document is really interesting! They seem to be suggesting a dependent typing solution (without calling it that), at least for dimensions.
  • This mypy ticket could be useful because we have lot of string-typed arguments that are really ADTs (or enums). E.g. kind : {‘quicksort’, ‘mergesort’, ‘heapsort’} in sort. I'm quite unhappy that those are str in my stubs.
  • Inferring the type of a column in pandas in general seems complex to impossible. E.g. unstack-ing an int64 dtype that introduces NaNs (missing data) will convert the int64 to float64. We can't really prove anything other than the return value being DataFrame. Even with mypy plugins this kind of behaviour will be hard to prove.
  • Protocols seem like a potential solution for supporting IndexOpsMixin - even if I still don't know yet how to implement indexing itself.

Apologies for the rather long comment!

See also python/typing#478 (comment) for more on use cases for literal values in types for pandas. I agree that this would be very helpful.

For pandas and DataFrame libraries more generally, we could really use a generic version of mypy's TypedDict to indicate dtypes per column. Something like:

class UserDataFrame(pandas.TypedDataFrame):
    name = str
    id = int
    address = str

For indexing, it might be easier to start with .loc and .iloc. The full behavior for getitem/setitem is so complex that even pandas developers don't really understand it (#9595), and I doubt it could ever be fully type checked.

The numpy typing document is really interesting! They seem to be suggesting a dependent typing solution (without calling it that), at least for dimensions.

Thanks! This is probably because my knowledge of formal type systems is pretty limited. If you have any other useful pointers, they would be appreciated!

@shoyer that's exactly what I'd want out of a Pandas type system. Don't forget that Pandas is a data science tool, and that kind of typing would be a huge benefit to data science work. The rest is "extra" IMO.

@gwerbin sorry, can you clarify exact what I wrote that you'd want out of a pandas type system? :)

@shoyer the ability to do this:

import pandas
from pandas.api.types import CategoricalDtype
from pathlib import Path
from py._path.local import LocalPath
from typing import Union, Text
from typing_extensions import Protocol

class SupportsRead(Protocol):
    def read(self) -> Union[Text, bytes]:

RegionDtype = CategoricalDtype('RegionDtype', ['north', 'south', 'east', 'west'])

class MyDataFrameType(pandas.TypedDataFrame):
    name = str
    id = int
    address = str
    region = RegionDtype

PandasReadable = Union[Text, Path, LocalPath, SupportsRead]
# or better yet, having a PandasReadable class accessible in the Pandas hierarchy somewhere

def load_my_data(filepath_or_buffer: PandasReadable=None) -> MyDataFrameType:
    dtypes = OrderedDict([
        ('name', str),
        ('id', int),
        ('address', str),
        ('region', RegionDtype)
    # or ideally something more elgant like dtypes = MyDataFrameType.dtypes

    return pandas.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer, usecols=list(dtypes.keys()), dtypes=dtypes)

PEP-484 Type Annotations tools:


@teh do you have your stubs somewhere? and do you plan to continue this route?. I would interested in helping.

Is there any way people can contribute to move this forward? I'm planning on start type checking a project and I'd definitely like having support for pandas types as well.
Currently considering mypy and pyre-check

Thanks @TomAugspurger, I'd do the same. If help can be provided for the migration I'm sure the community will be there me included.

But in principle, some work could already be started using type comments?

So, this is marked done, is it possible to have dataframes with specified column types now?

@josh-theorem if you are referring to static analysis then no, we don't currently support generic parametrization of Series / Index / DataFrame objects. Not opposed to it in the long run but we have a large part of the code base that just needs to be annotated first.

If you would like to help out there is #26766 which is a pre-cursor to what you are asking for. Could definitely use community support to push that along if you'd like to submit PRs