pandao / gulp-vue-module

Gulp plugin for Vue.js *.vue component file complie to AMD / CMD / CommonJS module.

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where should I implement require.loadCSS()?

lynnic26 opened this issue · comments

I can't understant why should I implement a method like require.loadCSS
Is it necessary or just optional when I am running an gulp compile with *.vue file?
and If we must implement this method ,where should I put it in my code?


gulp-vue-module just is the *.vue file compiler, So you when using must implement require.loadCSS() method.
Implementation of the require.loadCSS() method for dynamic load module style.


// If use Require.js or Sea.js or Any Front-end Module loader
// Require.js or Sea.js code 
// ...
// require.loadCSS() implement here

Or you not use the <style> tag in *.vue file.


@lynnic26 是的


@lynnic26 是,要自己实现这个方法