pallets-eco / flask-sqlalchemy

Adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.compallets-eco/flask-sqlalchemyRepository from Github https://github.compallets-eco/flask-sqlalchemy

AttributeError: module 'sqlalchemy.orm' has no attribute 'DeclarativeBase'

InoreNeronI opened this issue · comments

___________________________________ ERROR collecting tests/ ____________________________________
__pypackages__/3.11/lib/_pytest/ in from_call
    result: Optional[TResult] = func()
__pypackages__/3.11/lib/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    call = CallInfo.from_call(lambda: list(collector.collect()), "collect")
__pypackages__/3.11/lib/_pytest/ in collect
__pypackages__/3.11/lib/_pytest/ in _inject_setup_module_fixture
    self.obj, ("setUpModule", "setup_module")
__pypackages__/3.11/lib/_pytest/ in obj
    self._obj = obj = self._getobj()
__pypackages__/3.11/lib/_pytest/ in _getobj
    return self._importtestmodule()
__pypackages__/3.11/lib/_pytest/ in _importtestmodule
    mod = import_path(self.path, mode=importmode, root=self.config.rootpath)
__pypackages__/3.11/lib/_pytest/ in import_path
/usr/lib/python3.11/importlib/ in import_module
    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:1204: in _gcd_import
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:1176: in _find_and_load
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:1147: in _find_and_load_unlocked
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:690: in _load_unlocked
__pypackages__/3.11/lib/_pytest/assertion/ in exec_module
    exec(co, module.__dict__)
tests/ in <module>
    from util.main import (register_commands, register_error_handlers,
src/util/ in <module>
    from command.db import drop, init, load, migrate, shell, url
src/command/ in <module>
    from model.main import Mail, Role, Text, User
src/model/ in <module>
    from util.extensions import db
src/util/ in <module>
    from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
__pypackages__/3.11/lib/flask_sqlalchemy/ in <module>
    from .extension import SQLAlchemy
__pypackages__/3.11/lib/flask_sqlalchemy/ in <module>
E   AttributeError: module 'sqlalchemy.orm' has no attribute 'DeclarativeBase'


  • Python version: 3.11
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy version: 3.1.1
  • SQLAlchemy version: 2.0.23

I am using Pythonloc with Make under Ubuntu, steps to reproduce:

  1. Clone this repository:
  2. Make sure you have Node LTS installed and add this path to the environment variable: $(HOME)/.local/bin
  3. Run make update and after make test

A minimal (which certainly does not involve cloning a full application's repo nor installing node ;)) example to reproduce this would be appreciated!

I am sorry, but the only workaround to minimize testing skipping Node LTS installation is to comment the line number 170 in the Makefile:

# npm --prefix assets upgrade