palerdot / vue-speedometer

Vue component library for showing speedometer like gauge using d3

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Quasar v2 framework this.querySelector is not a function

rizky2341 opened this issue · comments

hi i have a problem when using the library with quasar framework v2. when i read closed issue, where i suppose to add this code ?
module.exports = { runtimeCompiler: true, };
much appreciate :)

runtimeCompiler: true is a vue specific config and I'm not sure if it really applies to Vue 3. You have to check your quasar framework/vue version documentation. I cannot help you here.

hi, i found how to make it work, in case there's someone have same issues u need to enable this in your quasar.config.js. extendViteConf(viteConf) { viteConf.resolve.alias.vue = "vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler.js"; }, add this piece of line inside build: {};