palacaze / sigslot

A simple C++14 signal-slots implementation

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Abort problem, sigslot::observer and thread will generate coredump. Should signals and slots solve this life cycle problem?

TgeaUs opened this issue · comments

g++ 9.4.0
ubuntu 5.15.0

class Obj : public sigslot::observer
    void sx()
        std::cout << "sm() id = " << std::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl;

int main()
    sigslot::signal<> sig;
        Obj obj;
        sig.connect(&Obj::sx, &obj);
        std::thread t([&sig]
        // no join


A core dump is the standard behavior for std::thread when a joinable thread gets destroyed before a call to join(). Either call detach(), join the thread or use std::jthread instead.

Lifetime management is out of the scope of Sigslot. The library gives a few options to help with lifetime, but it cannot provide tools for every situation.