padhia / systasks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Tasklist is a YAML document (file name must end with .yaml) that resides in a top-level directory of a collection. The YAML file containing a tasklist can optionally contain any jinja constructs.


Name Type Required? Purpose
description text No Tasklist description
version text No Tasklist version
tasks array Yes An ordered list of tasks


  • A tasklist must contain at least one task.
  • description and version may be used for documentation but otherwise have no effect


A task is of a type and has name, an optional connection target and a specific task definition


Name Type Required? Purpose
name text Yes A descriptive name. Recommended to be unique
connect enum No Can be either source or transcend
taskdef dict Yes Any of the supported task types


Run one SQL statement


Name Type Required? Purpose
sql text Maybe SQL text. Mutually exclusive with sqlfile
sqlfile path Maybe A file name that holds the SQL text


Run one SQL statement, and save data to a file in CSV format


Name Type Required? Purpose
sql text Maybe SQL text. Mutually exclusive with sqlfile
sqlfile path Maybe A file name that holds the SQL text
file path Yes Output file name


Read CSV formatted data and store the contents into the named table. Notes:

  • Table must exist
  • Existing data is not cleared before inserting new data


Name Type Required? Purpose
file path Yes Input file name
table text Yes table name to load data into


Copy files from the input directory to the output directory


Name Type Required? Purpose
files array of path Yes name of the files to be copied


Call a stored procedure


Name Type Required? Purpose
proc text Yes name of the stored-procedure
params array No optional parameters to pass to the stored-procedure


Run an application, typically a python script, that creates a chart


Name Type Required? Purpose
command text Yes name of the command (Python script name)
params array No optional parameters to pass to the command


Build a PowerPoint from a template


Name Type Required? Purpose
file path Yes location of the PowerPoint template


Built-in variables and functions are available globally in all jinja templates without being explicitly defined.


dirs is an object that defines following attributes for static directory paths:

  • dirs.home: User's home directory
  • dirs.cwd: Application's current working directory
  • dirs.systasks: Base directory that contains bundled system collections


dbc is an object with attributes that evaluates DBQL table names dynamically depending on availability of PDCR support. Availability of PDCR can be overridden (default true) by defining pdcr variable for applicable source systems.

For example, jinja expression {{ dbc.DBQLogTbl }} evaluates to PDCRInfo.DBQLogTbl_Hst when PDCR is available, otherwise it'll evaluate to dbc.DBQLogTbl.

dbc object also has a special attribute logdt, and a function logdate(<alias>). Jina expression {{ dbc.logdt }} evaluates to LogDate for systems that support PDCR, or CAST(CollectTimeStamp AS DATE) for systems that do not have PDCR support. While logdt is an attribute, logdate() is a function that allows using an alias within an expression. For example, {{ dbc.logdate('A') }} evaluates to CAST(A.CollectTimeStamp AS DATE). Alias may be necessary if an unqualified reference to CollectTimeStamp is ambiguous.

Short names

dbc object recognizes the following short-names and expands them to the corresponding long names. For example, {{ dbc.sql }} evaluates to either dbc.DBQLSqlTbl for dbc, or PDCRInfo.DBQLSqlTbl_Hst for pdcr

Short name Long name
expl DBQLExplainTbl
obj DBQLObjTbl
log DBQLogTbl
param DBQLParamTbl
sql DBQLSqlTbl
step DBQLStepTbl
summary DBQLSummaryTbl
utility DBQLUtilityTbl
xmllock DBQLXMLLockTbl
sawt ResUsageSawt
scpu ResUsageScpu
shst ResUsageShst
sldv ResUsageSldv
smhm ResUsageSmhm
spdsk ResUsageSpdsk
spma ResUsageSpma
sps ResUsageSps
svdsk ResUsageSvdsk
svpr ResUsageSvpr


pyformat is Jinja filter which is aliased to Python's format() function. This filter behaves differently from Jinja's built-in filter format().



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