pablasso / screeps

Code for Screeps, an MMO RTS game.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Screeps Game

This is my code for Screeps, an MMO RTS game for programmers where "the core mechanic is programming your units’ AI. You control your colony by writing JavaScript which operate 24/7 in the single persistent real-time world filled by other players on par with you".


I'm using TypeScript with screeds-typescript-starter for the transpiler and deployment setups.

You will need:

  • NodeJS 9.5.0
  • NPM
  • Rollup CLI (install via npm install -g rollup)

To install run npm install.

The TypeScript source code is under /src.

Your screeps settings, including the key for deployments, goes into screeps.json which is not pushed on this repo. For an example configuration look at screeps.sample.json.

Rollup and code upload

Running rollup -c will compile your code and do a "dry run", preparing the code for upload but not actually pushing it. Running rollup -c --environment DEST:main will compile your code, and then upload it to a screeps server using the main config from screeps.json.

You can use -cw instead of -c to automatically re-run when your source code changes - for example, rollup -cw --environment DEST:main will automatically upload your code to the main configuration every time your code is changed.

Finally, there are also NPM scripts that serve as aliases for these commands in package.json for IDE integration. Running npm run push-main is equivalent to rollup -c --environment DEST:main, and npm run watch-sim is equivalent to rollup -cw --dest sim.


Code for Screeps, an MMO RTS game.

License:The Unlicense


Language:TypeScript 81.1%Language:JavaScript 18.9%