pablasso / capistrano-resque

Capistrano integration for Resque

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Using SIGQUIT to kill processes as they aren't terminating properly.

Capistrano Resque

Basic tasks for putting some Resque in your Cap.

In your Capfile:

require "capistrano-resque"

In your deploy.rb:

role :resque_worker, "app_domain"
role :resque_scheduler, "app_domain"

set :workers, { "my_queue_name" => 2 }

You can also specify multiple queues and the number of workers for each queue:

set :workers, { "archive" => 1, "mailing" => 3, "search_index, cache_warming" => 1 }

The above will start five workers in total:

  • one listening on the archive queue
  • one listening on the search_index, cache_warming queue
  • three listening on the mailing queue

The tasks

Running cap -vT | grep resque should give you...

➔ cap -vT | grep resque
cap resque:status    # Check worksers status
cap resque:start     # Start Resque workers
cap resque:stop      # Quit running Resque workers
cap resque:restart   # Restart running Resque workers
cap resque:scheduler:restart # 
cap resque:scheduler:start   # Starts resque scheduler with default configs
cap resque:scheduler:stop    # Stops resque scheduler

Restart on deployment

To restart you workers automatically when cap deploy:restart is executed add the following line to your deploy.rb:

after "deploy:restart", "resque:restart"


I've decided to lose the logging ability altogether, in order to keep up with recent versions of Resque, following the chatter on:

If logging is important to you, there's still the 0.0.4 release of this project.


Please see the included LICENSE file.


Capistrano integration for Resque

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%