pablasso / JPGeodesy

An Objective-C port of the Latitude/longitude spherical geodesy formulae & scripts by Chris Veness. (

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An Objective-C port of the Latitude/longitude spherical geodesy formulae & scripts by Chris Veness. Read more about it here:

This is only a partial port. Feel free to fork and add more.

This is a fork of BJ Basañes original SLatLong. I wanted a different coding style, hence, this repo.


  • Get the distance from one point to another with the earth radius.
JPCoordinate pointA = {37.30, -121.91};
JPCoordinate pointB = {57.30, -120.91};
double distance = [JPGeodesy distanceFromPoint:pointA toPoint:pointB radius:6371];
  • Find the bearing (direction) between two points
JPCoordinate pointA = {37.30, -121.91};
JPCoordinate pointB = {57.30, -120.91};
double bearing = [JPGeodesy bearingFromPoint:pointA toPoint:pointB];
  • Finding the destination point based on a origin, distance, radius (from earth) and bearing (direction).
JPCoordinate pointA = {37.30, -121.91};
JPCoordinate pointB = [JPGeodesy destinationPointFromPoint:pointA withBearing:180.0 distance:1900 radius:6371];
NSLog("latitude:%f longitude:%f", pointB.latitude, pointB.longitude);


You can just drag the source files, but you get extra points for being awesome and using CocoaPods.


Attribution 3.0


An Objective-C port of the Latitude/longitude spherical geodesy formulae & scripts by Chris Veness. (



Language:Objective-C 86.2%Language:Ruby 13.8%