p4zhanggg / Hey

Hey is a terminal helper that allows you to execute commands using plain old English.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"Hey" is a terminal assistant for helping to make the use of terminal easier for everyone, and more fun. Below are examples of every possible command within "Hey".

"Hey" understands English, with the use of regular expressions and keyword searching you can use dynamic commands.

NOTE: if you are running Linux or Windows you have to escape the quotes in the terminal for example

./hey google "dog"

Has to really be

./hey google \"dog\"


./hey weather for 89893


./hey calculate "4*4"


./hey flip a coin
./hey roll a dice 
./hey roll a dice with 12 sides
./hey roll a 64 sided dice for me


./hey can you please download https://google.com for me?
./hey download https://google.com
./hey if would be great if you could download https://google.com and name it google.html thanks!
./hey download https://google.com as google.txt


./hey can you compress file.txt to file.zip
./hey compress folder/ as folder.zip
./hey decompress folder.tar


./hey rename file.txt to file1.txt
./hey rename folder to folder2


./hey I need to check my email, go to https://gmail.com/
./hey go https://gmail.com
./hey go to /r/Python


./hey tell me a joke


./hey push everything to github with the message "First commit"
./hey push this, this, this, that to github "Second commit"


./hey update ubuntu
./hey update centos
./hey update debian


./hey google "How awesome is Python?" for me, thanks.
./hey Would you mind googling "How far is it from here to the sun?" Thanks!


./hey get me directions from "12 hover street, Foovil, PA 32313," to "14 mander street, Barlen, PA 32141"


./hey copy a.txt to ~/b.txt


./hey find me a bar
./hey find me a sushi place
./hey find me a gym
./hey find me a club in San Francisco CA
./hey find me a resturant near Helena MT
./hey find file "Python.c"
./hey find file containing "Password"


./hey hows the weather looking for 2502265?
	./hey for the area code 2502265 show me the weather
	./hey weather now for area code 2502265


./hey what time is it
./hey what is the date
./hey what year is it
./hey what month is it
./hey what day is it
./hey what is my name
./hey what is my operating system
./hey what is my ip
./hey what version are you
./hey what directory am I in


Hey is a terminal helper that allows you to execute commands using plain old English.


Language:Python 100.0%