p00temkin / forestfish

Web3 wrapper lib

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Java wrapper library for EVM compatible blockchains and Algorand.

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Why use/contribute to forestFISH?

forestFISH attempts to make it easier to utilize JVM-based web3 SDKs. Typically helper libraries are much more mature for Javascript and are easier to use compared to its Java counterparts. It also provides useful features such as automatic node selection/failover and overall improved error handling.

A simple example of getting the latest block on the POLYGON blockchain is shown below. On launch the connector will automatically grab the RPC node with best performance (based on your connectivity) and print the latest block.

EVMBlockChainConnector connector = new EVMBlockChainConnector(EVMChain.POLYGON);
BigInteger latestBlockNR = EVMUtils.getLatestBlockNumber(connector);
System.out.println("latestBlockNR: " + latestBlockNR);

Similarly for Algorand:

AVMBlockChainConnector connector = new AVMBlockChainConnector(AVMChain.MAINNET);
Long lastRound = AVMUtils.getLastRound(connector);
System.out.println("lastRound: " + lastRound);

If you want to print out an account portfolio across all EVM chains (similar to debank), you can launch an ultraconnector and make a call to getEVMPortfolioForAccount():

// Launch RPC node connectors for all known public chains
EVMBlockChainUltraConnector ultra_connector = new EVMBlockChainUltraConnector(BlockchainType.PUBLIC);
System.out.println("EVMBlockChainUltraConnector ready .."); 

// Print EVM portfolio, include known NFTs
EVMPortfolio evm_chainPortfolio = EVMUtils.getEVMPortfolioForAccount(ultra_connector, public_address);
String output = EVMUtils.getEVMPortfolioAsString(evm_chainPortfolio);

Building the application

mvn clean package install

How it works

First git clone and install the forestfish library in your local Maven repository

git clone https://github.com/p00temkin/forestfish.git
mvn clean package install

Next, add a reference to this dependency in your new project pom.xml:


Next steps

  • Improved Ethereum and Algorand support
  • Burst/Signum and more



To support this project directly:

Ethereum/EVM: forestfish.x / 0x207d907768Df538F32f0F642a281416657692743

Or please consider donating to EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation


Web3 wrapper lib



Language:Java 99.8%Language:JavaScript 0.2%