p-x9 / RunScriptPlugin

🏃SwiftPackage Plugin for executing arbitrary ShellScript.

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Bash script fails with permission errors on Xcode 15 Beta 4

neilt opened this issue · comments

I have a setup which executes a bash script in the source tree to modify some source files in the source tree.

This worked fine with Xcode Version 14.3.1 (14E300c) but fails with Xcode Version 15.0 beta 4 (15A5195m). I wonder if this is an Xcode beta problem or are there some new flags that need to be added to give permissions to the source directory? Clearly the source directory is being denied access. If new flags are needed, then where do they go?

This is SPM project run from Xcode.

The yaml file:

prebuild: # prebuild Command
    - name: "GenerateBuildInfo"
      launchPath: "/bin/bash" # bash, zsh, etc. can be specified
      script: "generateBuildInfo.sh"

The errors are:

/usr/bin/sandbox-exec -p "(version 1)
(deny default)
(import \"system.sb\")
(allow file-read*)
(allow process*)
(allow file-write*
    (subpath \"/private/tmp\")
    (subpath \"/private/var/folders/_m/85n1b_4n12b2gmb5kd002q240000gn/T\")
(deny file-write*
    (subpath \"/Users/neiltiffin/Maui-Dev/SinkHole47/sinkhole47/SH47_Server_swift/SH47ServerWebsocketCommandLine\")
(allow file-write*
    (subpath \"/Volumes/Dev01Portable/XcodeNewDerivedData/SH47ServerWebsocketCommandLine-hdcjufnkdirjzzgsqfyeqhtpmjmi/SourcePackages/plugins/sh47serverwebsocketcommandline.output/sh47-server/RunScriptPlugin\")
" /Volumes/Dev01Portable/XcodeNewDerivedData/SH47ServerWebsocketCommandLine-hdcjufnkdirjzzgsqfyeqhtpmjmi/SourcePackages/artifacts/runscriptplugin/run-script-bin/run-script-bin.artifactbundle/run-script-bin/bin/run-script-bin --config /Users/neiltiffin/Maui-Dev/SinkHole47/sinkhole47/SH47_Server_swift/SH47ServerWebsocketCommandLine/runscript.yml --timing prebuild

🏃[Start] RunScriptPlugin(prebuild)
🏃[script] GenerateBuildInfo...
./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 32: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gBuildInfo.auto_generated.swift: Operation not permitted
./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 33: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gBuildInfo.auto_generated.swift: Operation not permitted
./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 34: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gBuildInfo.auto_generated.swift: Operation not permitted
./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 35: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gBuildInfo.auto_generated.swift: Operation not permitted
./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 36: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gBuildInfo.auto_generated.swift: Operation not permitted
./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 37: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gBuildInfo.auto_generated.swift: Operation not permitted
./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 38: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gBuildInfo.auto_generated.swift: Operation not permitted
swift-driver version: 1.75.2 ./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 44: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gXcodeInfo.swift: Operation not permitted
./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 45: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gXcodeInfo.swift: Operation not permitted
./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 46: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gXcodeInfo.swift: Operation not permitted
./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 47: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gXcodeInfo.swift: Operation not permitted
./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 48: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gXcodeInfo.swift: Operation not permitted
./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 49: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gXcodeInfo.swift: Operation not permitted
./generateBuildInfo.sh: line 50: Sources/sh47-server/_auto/gXcodeInfo.swift: Operation not permitted
🏃[End] RunScriptPlugin(prebuild)

Until Xcode 14.x, you could probably get around the plug-in sandbox limitation by writing from a subprocess.
Directories other than those under pluginWorkDirectory are inherently write-restricted by the sandbox.

If you build from command, I can avoid the sandbox by setting the following flag, but I don't think it is a good practice.
(I couldn't even figure out how to set it in the Xcode project)

swift build --disable-sandbox

I will continue to investigate.


I wanted to mention one other thing. These permission failures did not cause a warning or error in the build process, I noted that the source revisions were not accurate and tracked it down to this. These errors should be propagated back to the build.

I don't know if this helps, but this references seems to talking about the same issue.




These errors should be propagated back to the build.

I agree with this.
I will fix it so that it takes the error of the shell script it runs and re-throws it again.


It seems that the bug was the reason why it was working before Xcode14.



It seems to be possible to disable the Sandbox in BuildToolPlugin by doing the following settings.

defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode IDEPackageSupportDisablePluginExecutionSandbox -bool YES