p-aragones / minishell1

Remake of the tcsh terminal

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Remake of the tcsh terminal

Functions created by me:

-cd :

cd + folder in current directory

cd + folder in directory specified by ../../etc

cd + / (starts from usr root)

cd + ~ (starts from usr home)

cd / cd -- / cd ~ / cd home --> changes dir to home dir

-env :

  • setenv + name + value (creates a new env variable with a name and value)

  • setenv + name (creates a new env variable with a name and value)

  • setenv (prints env)

  • env (displays env)

  • unsetenv + name (unsets variable from env)

  • unsetenv + name_1 + name_2... name_n (unsets all given variables from env)

You can also execute files that are in a directory by providing the path to said file e.g: ./a.out

You can run system functions that are in the env path variable such as ls, echo, etc.


Remake of the tcsh terminal


Language:C 93.8%Language:Makefile 6.2%