ozanturhan / webrtc-nestjs-react-example

WebRTC Multi-Peer Example With React & NestJS

Home Page:https://react-socket-io-webrtc-client.herokuapp.com/

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does not allow to show the webcam in the browser

NestorDevs opened this issue · comments

does not allow to show the webcam in the browser

@NestorDevs can you give me more detail about it? I've checked https://react-socket-io-webrtc-client.herokuapp.com/ demo page. It is working on Chrome latest version and Safari.

@NestorDevs , ¿puede darme más detalles al respecto? Revisé la página de demostración https://react-socket-io-webrtc-client.herokuapp.com/ . Está funcionando en la última versión de Chrome y Safari.

if it's working I think it's from my camera on the pc because it works fine on the phone... one question... how many users can be connected to a room... is it possible? because the internet connect two users and they don't see each other

It's just a sample application. It shows how WebRTC work. I haven't done a load test yet and I don't expect that it to perform well. Also there is no limitation to connect with multiple client in a room. But I store users in memory. It's not the best way to store rooms and users of course. I tried it with three of my friends. It has worked as I expected. But if you connect large number of users in a room there will be performans issues.

this is my version chrome windows 10 .

It tells me that I use this camera but I have my webcam connected