oxr463 / setup-cordova

Setup your GitHub Actions workflow with Apache Cordova

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can I save the output .apk?

usernein opened this issue · comments

Is it possible to save the built apk? I want to use it as action artifact in my github action.

Of course! You can use fnkr/github-action-ghr for that.

Here is an example:

- name: Publish GitHub Release
      uses: fnkr/github-action-ghr@v1
      if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')
        GHR_PATH: app/app-debug.apk
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

This will publish the .apk on tagged GitHub releases.

Thank you for the link, it's really useful, but cordova runs in a Docker, right? So the platforms/ folder cannot be easily accessed by other steps like 'actions/upload-artifact' and that's what i was asking for: a way to get the built .apk

I did it by executing the commands in Dockerfile, without using setup-cordova:

You will need to copy it into the top-level directory from the platforms/android/app/build/outputs directory, as part of your cordova_exec command.

    cordova_exec: |
      cordova build --no-telemetry && \
      cp "$(find . -name '*.apk')" .

You can also try using ls -la in your pipeline to see what files are created in your project directory.

Example: https://github.com/oxr463/pentesting-guide/blob/master/.github/workflows/main.yml#L16