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Support for different architectures on docker and serving external IPs

ballerburg9005 opened this issue · comments

The current docker images build only for amd64 and thus cannot be run on Rasperry Pi or other machines.

You can use docker buildx to build multi-architecture as outlined in this howto:


However, since this requires multiple small alterations on the build server, I am reluctant to create a PR for this.

Additionally, a common docker setup for darknet/altnet websites would look like this:

docker run --name HTTP -h http -v ${MY_HOST_DIR}/httpd:/var/www -d mylocalpkg/arm:lighttpd &
docker run --name TOR -d --link HTTP:httpd -v ${MY_HOST_DIR}/tor:/etc/tor mylocalpkg/arm:tor &
docker run --name I2P -d --link HTTP:httpd -p 10500:10500/udp -p 7070:7070 -v ${MY_HOST_DIR}/i2pd:/home/i2pd/data mylocalpkg/arm:i2p &

I had a brief look at the docker file, and it does not seem that it checks if the config directory is empty (because it was mounted as a docker volume). When an empty config directory is found, the image should automatically populate it with default config files.

Docker images are very useful on embedded systems, such as as TV box or a self-hosted server, so I would consider this a priority for a decentralized internet protocol.


Ok, thanks. I will make a PR soon.