oxalorg / sakura

:cherry_blossom: a minimal css framework/theme.

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No CSS for a:visited

lucas-deangelis opened this issue · comments

Thank you for sakura!

It seems that there's no specific CSS for visited links (a:visited). I think it would be a great addition, considering this is a basic feature of browser, and removing it I think makes the browsing experience a bit worse.

Hey @lucas-deangelis , nice catch!

You're right it'll make the browing experience more consistent. We'll have to think of a color substituation which will work with all our themes.

Something like darken($color-fade, 20%) perhaps.

I think something like what you proposed would be great. Since there's another issue with link colors (#7), maybe we should try to tackle them both at once? We could find colors that are accessible even when darkened for each theme (if they are not right now).

@lucas-deangelis Would you like to give this a go? The #7 contrast issue has already been fixed!

Thanks for giving me this opportunity. I've made a pull request with my proposed changes and screenshots.

Thanks for giving me this opportunity

@lucas-deangelis The pleasure is all mine! Thank you once again for this PR. Really appreciate your attention to detail. 🎉 Cheers

Thank you for being so welcoming and positive!