owncloud / android

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[BUG] Retried successful uploads don't free space in `/tmp` folder

jesmrec opened this issue · comments


Steps to reproduce

  1. Upload files to any folder
  2. Before the uploads finish, put server down (or any other way to make the uploads fail that's not a connection outage)
  3. After uploads are in "failed" in uploads view, put server up (or remove the impediment that made them fail in step 2.)
  4. In uploads view, click on Retry

Actual behaviour

Files are retried and finish with success. But, copies of such files remain in internal storage (/tmp). Without a failure, no leftovers in /tmp

Expected behaviour

Completed uploads should not leave leftovers in /tmp, does not matter whether the upload had or didn't have failures. Since /tmp folder is not cleaned up via workers, every failed upload is consuming local storage without the chance of freeing it.

Pixel 2, Android11
Galaxy Tab A8, Android13