owncloud-archive / mozilla_sync

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account creation with ff34 hangs after entering account infos

samweisgamdschie opened this issue · comments


I installed mozilla_sync in my OC 6.0.4. I see configuration options in personal and admin page. So I went on to add a new sync account to my firefox 34 installation. To change about:config's entries for services.sync.username and services.sync.serverURL works to bring back the old sync account configuration. But when I try to create a new account with entering the correct email, oc-password and URL from my installation and click on 'next' it hangs with a little message check... (in german Überprüfen...) and nothing happens anymore.

The last thing i see is this entry in my apache log:

"PUT /remote.php/mozilla_sync/user/1.0/vs6yxgfwyg3vyu6qonlhrpuungzpb HTTP/1.1" 200 32 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0"

getting http state 200..

Is there a solution for this problem? does it depend on ff34?

Maybe this helps, I tried to use stable mozilla_sync 1.4 app AND latest master from github (19.12.2014). with the same result. I also tried the auto-account-creation from the github version without success (is there a documentation about this feature?) .

Nevertheless, any help is appreciated..

best regards

Can you check your owncloud.log for any entries of mozilla_sync? Additionally, do you see new records in the mozilla_sync* tables in the database?

Hello again! sorry for the delay, these holidays...

i checked all log files but all i found was: - - [18/Jan/2015:23:09:46 +0100] "GET /remote.php/mozilla_sync/user/1.0/a HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0" - - [18/Jan/2015:23:09:46 +0100] "GET /remote.php/mozilla_sync/misc/1.0/captcha_html HTTP/1.1" 404 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0" - - [18/Jan/2015:23:09:51 +0100] "GET /remote.php/mozilla_sync/user/1.0/my@user.org HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0"

and at the end: - - [18/Jan/2015:23:10:14 +0100] "PUT /remote.php/mozilla_sync/user/1.0/vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb HTTP/1.1" 200 32 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0"


And in my DB i found this:

mysql> select * from oc_mozilla_sync_collections;
Empty set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from oc_mozilla_sync_users;
| id | username | sync_user |
| 2 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 3 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 4 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 5 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 6 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 7 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 8 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 9 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 10 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 11 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 12 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 13 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 14 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 15 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 16 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 17 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 18 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 19 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 20 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 21 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 22 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
| 23 | prime_user | vs6yxgflwydasyu6qonlhrpudahgzpb |
22 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from oc_mozilla_sync_wbo;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Any hints? oc_mozilla_sync_users looks weird?!

Hi! I finally got it working! i cleared the table oc_mozilla_sync_users and tried it again. Connecting another desktop firefox works perfectly with the "connect device" function from mozilla.
But now I stick adding my android firefox 35.0 . Adding a new sync (outdated) sync account my mozilla connect service and it looks like it does work. But there are no connection tries in my apache log. After that I added RC4-SHA to my CipherSuites, but without success.

Best regards

The problem could be related to SNI as the HTTPS client used by Mozilla does not support SNI. Please check the Android logs using adb logcat '*:S FxSync:V' and report back your findings.