owengombas / discord.ts

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guildMemberAdd and guildMemberRemove events seem to not work somehow

j-mizera opened this issue · comments

On message event works properly but i tested both add and remove events and they seem to not trigger.

import {ArgsOf, Discord, On, Command, CommandMessage, Client} from '@typeit/discord';
import * as Events from './events';
import {prefix, welcomeChannelID, guestRoleID} from './data';

export abstract class DiscordBot{
    ping(command: CommandMessage): void {
    private async onGulidMemberAdd([member]: ArgsOf<"guildMemberAdd">){
        const welcomeChannel = member.guild.channels.cache.get(welcomeChannelID);
        if(welcomeChannel.isText()) welcomeChannel.send(`Witaj na  serwerze discord Partii Technokratycznej ${member.user.username}!`);
    [message]: ArgsOf<"message">,
    client: Client
  ) {

Nevermind, this issue solve can be done by enabling Privileged Gateway Intents in your bot on Discord Developer Portal. Discord changed it like month or 2 ago.