ovotech / natchez-extras

Integrations between Natchez, Doobie, HTTP4s, Log4cats and Datadog. Formerly called effect-utils.

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allow using span name from query comment rather than sql

BusyByte opened this issue · comments

Given a comment on the first line could we have our span name be or have selectLatestFooBar in it?

-- Name: selectLatestFooBar
from baz;

Currently we do this for metrics and would be nice for traces as well.

We parse the sql like so:

  private val re = """--\s*Name:\s*(\w+)""".r

  def extractQueryNameOrSql(sql: String): String = {
    re.findFirstMatchIn(sql).flatMap(m => Option(m.group(1))).getOrElse(sql)

If it happened to not have a comment in it then you could default back to your current way you display the sql (com.ovoenergy.natchez.extras.doobie.TracedTransactor$#formatQuery)

We are currently on 6.25 of natchez-extras-doobie but would likely upgrade to newer version if we need newer version of natchez.

This could also be generalized to a qualifier function from Sql => Span Name but this is not binary compatible unless you wanted a default on another parameter. We are using the trace function on TracedTransctor currently but I think this would also need to be added on the apply as well. Let me know if you want me to go down that route. I didn't think there was any harm to doing this as it's probably not a common thing. But an addition parameter would let people opt into this behavior.