ovh / svfs

The Swift Virtual File System

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installation on ubuntu 10.04 won't work

jeffallen opened this issue · comments

The .debs distributed depend on package fuse and ruby. Package fuse is not available, only fuse-utils.

If I put things on manually and try to run it, I get this from ruby:

/sbin/mount.svfs:73: undefined method `select!' for #Array:0x721b407b2578 (NoMethodError)
root@uf5:/usr/local/bin# dpkg -l|grep ruby
ii libruby1.8 Libraries necessary to run Ruby 1.8
ii ruby 4.2 An interpreter of object-oriented scripting
ii ruby1.8 Interpreter of object-oriented scripting lan

In order to be more backwards compatible, it would be helpful if the ruby was written for 1.8, and also that the DEB dependency was on fuse-utils, not fuse. (But I haven't tested that yet to be sure.)

Just confirmed: changing select! to each makes mount.svfs work, and then svfs can be mounted as expected.

So the only dependency is on fuse-utils.

/sbin/mount.svfs:73: undefined method `select! ' для #Array: 0x721b407b2578 (NoMethodError)

You solved the problem?