overvale / Textplay

Textplay is a simple command-line script that converts screenplays written in Fountain formatted plain-text to HTML, XML, and FDX (Final Draft).

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broken pipe?

RichardDooling opened this issue · comments

On Mac High Sierra and using Prince 12, if I do:

textplay < screenplay.fountain | prince - screenplay.pdf

I get

Textplay/textplay:1125:in write': Broken pipe @ io_write - <STDOUT> (Errno::EPIPE) from Textplay/textplay:1125:in puts'
from Textplay/textplay:1125:in puts' from Textplay/textplay:1125:in


The following works for me...

textplay < test.txt | prince - -o test.pdf

The solitary dash tells prince to read STDIN (which is what textplay outputs to). Check the docs here. Let me know if that solitary dash makes a difference.

Textplay does not require a ".fountain" extension. It works on any file. I use ".txt".

A couple troubleshooting things to try:

  • Do you have the latest commit checked out? Latest is 88f7871
  • Does it work if you do this? textplay -f < test.fountain or textplay -x < test.fountain

Glad it worked. I'm glad someone else finds it useful! I'll maintain it as long as I use it. I think you're right, there's nothing quite like it out there. Thanks!