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WordPerfect 6.0/6.0a will install but not run

JohnSmithJohnSmithJohn opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

WordPerfect 6.0a will install but not run, mounted the floppies with virtual floppy drive program, before I installed WineEVDM it wouldn’t run the installer, after it runs the installer

When clicking on the WordPerfect app to run it, it wouldn’t run

it complains that ‘shared dlls are missing’. Very useful error in that it doesn’t even mention ✨which✨ shared DLLs, rather fantastically

Expected behavior
I would expect it to run

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 11 latest update stable channel

Additional context
Running latest winevdm (0.9.0 stable)

It is very helpful to provide a trace file if possible.
it generates a blank text file

I don't see this problem with 6.0. Are you using the latest build of winevdm?

I believe I’m using the latest stable 0.9.0. Should I use latest unstable?

Check the WP_WP_.env file in the wpwin60 dir. It should contain "/wpc=c:\wpc20". If the wpc20 dir (or whatever the shared dll dir name is) is wrong then it'll show that error.


adding your suggested path to the file got it to begin loading. Now it’s bringing the above error. Neither try again or continue works, it crashes out

Restarting the laptop got a similar error show when running again after reboot (also crashes out if I click continue)

Did that file have the wrong dir in it or was it missing entirely? Either way your install seems to be broken somehow. You can try to remove and reinstall it or try the development winevdm build. If neither of those work a trace will be needed since I can't reproduce the crash.

Did that file have the wrong dir in it or was it missing entirely? Either way your install seems to be broken somehow. You can try to remove and reinstall it or try the development winevdm build. If neither of those work a trace will be needed since I can't reproduce the crash.

The file had no dir added in it. What was your source for your 6.0 installation discs, and what was your installation method, did you use the standard install or custom?

I'm seeing what may be a related problem with WPWin 6.1 - which installed successfully a few years ago, but crashed after installing the TrueType fonts with current code. Trace attached.


If this should be a separate issue, please say so.

EDIT: maybe more relevant is this: The installation that got installed a few years ago was still on my disk, and when I tried to run it, I got a message about a DLL that couldn't be found. Here's the trace:


The file had no dir added in it. What was your source for your 6.0 installation discs, and what was your installation method, did you use the standard install or custom?

Winworldpc is the source, standard install.

Using the WinWorldPC source "WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows (12-09-94) (3.5)" with a standard install, I got the Could Not Find Shared DLLs message. Trace:


Using the WinWorldPC CD version of the WordPerfect Suite, I ran SETUPM.EXE, chose WordPerfect and Components, accepted all the defaults, and installed to drive C: I got this error message after the setup program finished "Configuring":

Screenshot 2024-01-20 122137

And here is the trace:


When I tried to launch WPWin, I got the message saying it couldn't find the shared DLLs.

EDIT: I thought the solution to this might be to use otvdm.ini to tell the program I am NOT NT, but that didn't help. I then also changed the Win version to 3.11, but that didn't help either.

The last commit in #1357 should fix the shared dll issue with version 6.1 as the registry file it uses to set the shared path wasn't being parsed properly.

Can I confirm the trace commands pls as I’m still getting blank files generated by powershell:

cmd set WINEDEBUG=+all,-snoop,-ldt,-fixup,-module,-global,-local,-disasm,-syslevel,-thunk

cmd WPWIN.EXE 2> trace.txt

then I look in my current directory and I have a blank text file 👀. Is this using the Powershell 5 version that comes with windows 11 yeah? Not the new powershell 7?

I’ve been looking at the Winevdm GitHub to try and download the latest unstable build to see if it fixes my issue but I can’t make head nor tail of it???

The Audacity GitHub can auto compile any unstable branch to be downloaded and installed? Is the Winevdm GitHub not configured properly, or am I looking in the wrong place?


Then, something like:

Jobs->This Build is Recommended->Artifacts

build 2481

build 2481 doesn't work for me


LMAO. Cant make it up really.

I cant run it, I cant uninstall it.

Can I confirm the trace commands pls as I’m still getting blank files generated by powershell:

cmd set WINEDEBUG=+all,-snoop,-ldt,-fixup,-module,-global,-local,-disasm,-syslevel,-thunk

Then: cmd WPWIN.EXE 2> trace.txt

then I look in my current directory and I have a blank text file 👀. Is this using the Powershell 5 version that comes with windows 11 yeah? Not the new powershell 7?

You need to use cmd directly not though powershell.

I cant run it, I cant uninstall it.

You need to just delete it manually since the install is broken.

You need to use cmd directly not though powershell.

I have partly resolved this issue. One problem is the command script offered on this GitHub in new posts is incorrect. There is a space between 2> trace.txt in the text. It should be 2>trace.txt

OK now I get the following error in the trace file. I have tried deleting the trace file, closing command prompt and re-opening:

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

Restart your machine.

Restart your machine.

I thought the same. So I restarted and did it again, but that generates a blank trace.txt as before i spotted the space error. Run the trace one more time and I get the process blah blah in the trace text file but that’s it.

A thought occurs. Will the command prompt know where to find the WineVDM files to run this trace? To run the trace at all for WPWIN I have to change directory first to be in C:\wpwin60 so it can find wpwin.exe. Is it possible the command prompt will run wpwin.exe, not be able to find the Winevdm and then go quiet? Do I need any paths set in autoexec.bat or something like that so it can find anything?

If you installed winevdm with the inf file then it'll just work. If it couldn't find winevdm it would put up an "This app can't run on your pc" error.

In the hope of providing some useful information, here is the trace for an attempted install of WPWin61, after installing build 2481. If that's the wrong build, I'll try again.


And again in the hope of providing useful information, I was able to install WPWin60a (from the WinWorldPC set of installation floppies), but got the error about the shared DLLs when I launched it. I edited wp_wp_.env with the correct path /wpc=c:\wpc20 and ran the exe again, which crashed. Here is the trace:


Again, this was with build 2481. If I'm wasting time by trying this build, please say so.

And the solution to the "file in use" message after a crash is to run the Task Manager and stop the otvdm.exe instance. No need to reboot.

And again in the hope of providing useful information, I was able to install WPWin60a (from the WinWorldPC set of installation floppies), but got the error about the shared DLLs when I launched it. I edited wp_wp_.env with the correct path /wpc=c:\wpc20 and ran the exe again, which crashed. Here is the trace:


Again, this was with build 2481. If I'm wasting time by trying this build, please say so.

This is what you need in your wp_wp_.env file so it will get past crashing on start up, its not just the /wpc line, you need multiple lines.

/pi=c:\users\yourusername\location of winevdm\otvdm-~1.0\windows

Basically it needs to point to the windows winevdm folder. If 6.0a from floppies still won't load at all after amending wp_wp, delete the two directories the install created on C:, install WP6.0 from CD off internet archive and install 6.0a from floppies over the top of it as an upgrade. You may have to restore wp_wp_.bak to end in .env (and delete the existing env) .

Jealous that you were able to get trace to dump actual information in the text file. Can I compare notes on what you’re doing to make a trace please?

  1. On windows 11. First I right click start menu and select Terminal
  2. on the window that loads, on the title bar, I press ⬇️ on the right of + and select Command Prompt
  3. I press X on windows Powershell and close it. Leaving the command prompt as the only open terminal window.
  4. cd C:\wpwin60
  5. cmd set WINEDEBUG=+all,-snoop,-ldt,-fixup,-module,-global,-local,-disasm,-syslel,-thunk
  6. cmd WPWIN.EXE 2>trace.txt

I’m going to try WP 6.0 on CD from internet archive. I will delete the files to install it from this different source, although it’s likely to have left my registry riddled with garbage which is why I’m annoyed uninstall isn’t working.


This CD version installs and runs on 0.9.0 stable. It didn’t have a happy time installing and kept telling me it couldn’t access fonts. Whether those are missing from my install, I don’t know. When mounting the ISO you need to go to Drive:\DISKS\INSTPROG and click on wpinst.exe - none of the executables under Manual will load, they all say not compatible with this version of windows.

I still want to get trace working, I’m enraged about that now, I want to know what’s happening and to fix it.

### Where we are now:

So basically, 6.0 WordPerfect from CD Iso on Internet Archive installs and seems to run after. The installer throws an error with WineVDM about the fonts being inaccessible during install. It appears to still finish.

Where it goes wrong is the 6.0a "full install" from floppy on WinWorldPC. This allegedly is a full version and also an upgrade to 6.0, but if this is installed onto a blank drive with no existing copy of WordPerfect (as it suggests on the wwpc site you can), it supplies a blank wp_wp_.env file which stops WordPerfect loading. This might be copy protection (to prevent a fresh install from an upgrade only version,) or a bug. At the end after finishing install, it hangs. If I install 6.0a as an upgrade over the top of the CD iso install, then fix the env file with the bak file version from the OG 6.0 CD iso install, WordPerfect 6.0a runs, but loads with a macro program which immediately crashes on launch, it's possible to still use WordPerfect after, if the macro program is closed.

There's also the 6.0a "upgrade" install from floppy on WinWorldPC. This upgrades 6.0 to 6.0a as well, but doesn't include as many disks. It's probably missing things the "full" floppy install has. This also blanks the wp_wp_.env file which stops WordPerfect loading, I then had to restore the file contents from wp_wp_.bak.

On launch, WordPerfect 6.0a (from any 6.0a install media) loads (if I fully fix the env file with all 3 path lines) some sort of secondary program for Macros, this immediately throws an error (in the program, not WineVDM, which hangs both WordPerfect and the Macro program, although the macro program can be ended and WordPerfect seems to become functional again. Not ideal though. TextArt made the application crash when I tried it earlier too.

If I could get trace working, we could really hit the macro / wordart problem and maybe fix it.

Screenshot of buttons that crash WP6.0a

Above is a circled bunch of buttons that crash WordPerfect 6.0a. Red ones immediately crash WP, amber ones crash it when you do more stuff in the function. The amber ones tend to throw up WineVDM errors.

Don't type "cmd". Just type the string that begins set and then the string that begins wpwin

In the hope of providing some useful information, here is the trace for an attempted install of WPWin61, after installing build 2481. If that's the wrong build, I'll try again.


The newest commit on #1357 should finally fix the wpsh20.reg problem.

And the solution to the "file in use" message after a crash is to run the Task Manager and stop the otvdm.exe instance. No need to reboot.

This (the in use error, not the crash it also happens if it exits normally) is due to wp starting background tasks that stay running, it's not a bug in winevdm as it also happens in ntvdm.

And again in the hope of providing useful information, I was able to install WPWin60a (from the WinWorldPC set of installation floppies), but got the error about the shared DLLs when I launched it. I edited wp_wp_.env with the correct path /wpc=c:\wpc20 and ran the exe again, which crashed. Here is the trace:


Again, this was with build 2481. If I'm wasting time by trying this build, please say so.

And the solution to the "file in use" message after a crash is to run the Task Manager and stop the otvdm.exe instance. No need to reboot.

18ec:Call WINSPOOL.91: DEVICECAPABILITIES(2607500c "Edward LaserJet P3015 PCL5",26176f8c "Ne09:",0006,2617d20e "�*º",0000:0000) ret=2257:280a ds=2617
18ec:Ret  WINSPOOL.91: DEVICECAPABILITIES() retval=0000001b ret=2257:280a ds=2617

The problem is likely here. Param 6 is DC_BINS and WP can't deal with a return of 0x1b which causes it to trash it's heap. Try selecting the MS PDF driver as the default printer and see if it works then. If I'm right then it's a bug in the program and not in winevdm.

Will be away from the machine possibly until Friday, so I can't report on the newest build, but this sounds right. WPWin5 also has trouble with some Windows printers, if I remember correctly.

Also, let me emphasize that I'm very much aware that you're doing all this work for no reward. A lot of people are deeply grateful.

I was able to get the right machine sooner than I thought - and you are right. It was a bug in the program. WPWin61 started when I changed the default printer to Microsoft Print to PDF. Well done. Thank you.

I still get this message every time I start the program:

Screenshot 2024-01-25 122523

I click Yes, and the program opens, but the message occurs every time. I tried merging the reg files manually, but it didn't make any difference. Also, when the program opens, it asks if I want to run the QuickStart Coach, and then says it can't find the macro. These are trivial, and maybe will get sorted out if I install again later.

EDIT: When I get back to that machine, I'll try enabling the font-enumeration option in otvdm.ini - that option makes it possible to run XyWrite for Windows, and I wonder whether it's the issue also with WPWin. Will report later or tomorrow. -- EDIT: No, enumerate-fonts didn't help. The program only launched with either Microsoft Print to PDF or Microsoft XPS Writer as the default printer. Other PDF printers (Adobe, BullZip, PDF-Xchange) didn't work.

Again in the hope of being useful, and documenting everything needed:

I cleaned out the otvdm folder and removed every reference to WPWIN6x in the Registry. I installed build 2482, and downloaded this file from WinWorldPC:

WordPerfect Suite 6.1 for Windows 1996 (3.5-1.44mb)(ISO)

I copied all the files from the ISO in the download to a folder, and ran the installer. This ended with a crash; trace attached:


Despite the crash WPWin61 started up, though it produced this familiar error message:

Screenshot 2024-01-26 152127

With Microsoft Print to PDF as the default printer, the program seemed to run normally, at least at startup.

EDIT: WPWin61 locked up when I tried to print to Microsoft Print to PDF, both with and without font enumeration enabled in otvdm. Here's a trace file, made when font-enumeration was left at the default:


And here's another, with font enumeration set to 1:


#1371 fixes the print to pdf issue and #1357 fixes the wpwin61.reg issue.

This is great news. I suppose I should wait until both of them get merged into the code, because then both fixes will be available in a single build?

The latter is already merged so the ci build for the former includes both.

Thank you for this. WPWin61 now prints to other printers, not only to Microsoft Print to PDF. The only glitch I can see involves the "Coaches" feature. Every time WPWin61 starts up, it asks me if I want to run the QuickStart coach; if I say yes, it gives an error message about not being able to open a hook, and locks up. The same thing happens if I try to run a Coach from the Help menu.

Wait - when I tried to run a trace to show the problem with QuickStart, I got a crash. Here's a trace:


It's displaying that error because it's trying to install a journal record hook which isn't supported and probably never will be. Returning a fake value isn't good enough, it still hangs. Bifed20 in the wpc20 dir can be used to kill the message box by setting in wpcset.bif Wordperfect/coaches to true. #1373 is needed to prevent a crash.

This worked. Thank you. I got odd errors during installation about not being able to open many files, but will try again. The Bifed20.exe trick worked for the coaches. As you said earlier, I had to change the default printer to Microsoft Print to PDF. I hope this was worth the effort for other programs...