otso / Pistelogs

Log your shreds

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Pistelogs provides a concept service implementation on top of the Push Snowboarding
project. More information about this concept, screenshots and the main use cases
considered refer to the following blog post:


The Pistelogs prototype consists of:

 * a server side implementation for a service for the shredders using Push
   Snowboarding client - live instance here:


 * an upload client for device side to send the logs to the service:
The latter is just an ugly hack on top of the Push Snowboarding client to add
log sending functionality. The former is living in this source code tree.

A third piece of code missing from this repository is a screen scraping script
for fetching and populating the service with the ski resorts information.
This code and data is available from the author via email.

Working with the service


    1) Install/fetch google appengine
    2) Clone pistelogs server code from github under google appengine
    3) Under pistelogs, install the google app engine helper (GAEH):
    4) Under pistelogs, modify settings.py with your secret key
    Your source code tree should now look like:
        |-- demos
        |-- google
        |-- lib
        |-- pistelogs                   // under here, cloned tree from the repo
        |   |-- appengine_django        // from GAEH
        |   |-- django                  // from GAEH
        |   |-- media
        |   |-- pistelogs
        |   `-- templates
        |-- new_project_template
        |-- templates
        `-- tools

Running locally (after this, available at http://localhost:8080/):

    #:~/pistelogs/google_appengine$ ./dev_appserver.py --datastore_path=./pistelogs_datastore pistelogs/

For your version to be running live in appengine you will need to choose another
identifier than 'pistelogs' for your project. Replace below with your 

Update live version:

    ./appcfg.py update pistelogs/

Disable/enable in appspot:

Online address:


Maintenance + deployment:

    The .sh scripts provide pre-population and validate the concept:

Localhost data viewer:

    Go to http://localhost:8080/_ah/admin/datastore

Acknowledgements and code used

    * geobox.py (http://code.google.com/appengine/articles/geosearch.html and
        - Apache v2.0, mutiny example is also copied in the Resort-class
    * http://www.johndcook.com/python_longitude_latitude.html

    * BeatifulSoup (for ResortFetcher.py - not published atm)

    * Icons

        Same source for the user "mugshot" (link missing)

    * The author is a Nokia employee - this solution has been done as part of
    the Nokia EPP - hence it does not necessarily represent the official view of
    the company


Plenty of things to do as this really is a proof of concept effort... 
All current work items identified with 'TODO' or 'XXX' in the live site.

Bigger tasks:

 * Hardcoded data in the client and receival end should be dynamic and 
   modifiable by the user - add UI for this
 * Data sent OTA should be more efficient in format than currently
 * Authentication to the site with facebook accounts
 * Shared secret for the client?
 * Remove the polling from the user profile view - use the appengine Channel API
 * Localization


Log your shreds


Language:Python 95.0%Language:Shell 5.0%