otovo / python-netsgiro

File parsers for Nets AvtaleGiro and OCR Giro

Home Page:https://netsgiro.readthedocs.io/

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

parse a FBO file

davidwul opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to parse a FBO file, but when I execute: netsgiro.parse(data)
I have an error: ValueError: time data '000000' does not match format '%d%m%y'

Any idea what is going wrong?

here is a sample of my FBO file:

NY21947000000012 71484800069387N00000000000000000000000000000000000000
NY21947000000022 71864800104450N00000000000000000000000000000000000000

When formatted with correct spacing, this runs fine for me:

import netsgiro

example = """
NY21947000000012     71484800069387      N00000000000000000000000000000000000000
NY21947000000022     71864800104450      N00000000000000000000000000000000000000

p = netsgiro.parse(example)

What package version are you on, and does this example run for you?

I have the same issue,
here is my pip list:

attrs               22.1.0
backports.zoneinfo  0.2.1
bcrypt              3.2.2
certifi             2021.10.8
cffi                1.15.0
chardet             4.0.0
charset-normalizer  2.0.12
colorama            0.4.4
coloredlogs         15.0.1
cryptography        36.0.1
greenlet            1.1.2
humanfriendly       10.0
idna                3.3
img2pdf             0.4.3
importlib-resources 5.4.0
lxml                4.7.1
netsgiro            2.0.0
ocrmypdf            13.1.1
OdooRPC             0.8.0
paramiko            2.11.0
pdfminer.six        20211012
pikepdf             4.2.0
Pillow              8.4.0
pip                 22.2.2
pluggy              1.0.0
pycparser           2.21
pymssql             2.2.5
PyNaCl              1.5.0
pyodbc              4.0.34
pyreadline3         3.3
reportlab           3.6.3
requests            2.27.1
setuptools          49.2.1
six                 1.16.0
SQLAlchemy          1.4.39
tqdm                4.62.3
tzdata              2022.2
urllib3             1.26.9
wheel               0.37.0
zipp                3.6.0

I'm working on a windows machine

You're right, v2 has this issue. v1.3.0 does not 👍

Seems like nets_date should use the to_date_or_none converter, rather than the to_date one.

Before the v2 release, it also used to_date, but the old version of the converter matches the new to_date_or_none. I'll fix and release a new version shortly.

Would you mind testing with pip install git+https://github.com/otovo/python-netsgiro@fix-90 to see if it resolves the issue for you @davidwul?

thanks a lot, it worked fine now. 👍
Great reactivty and thanks for this usefull lib

Version 2.0.1 should be out now. Let me know if you run into any other issues 🙂