otobus / event_bus

:surfer: Traceable, extendable and minimalist **event bus** implementation for Elixir with built-in **event store** and **event watcher** based on ETS.

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Errors in test with OTP26.1.2/Elixir 1.15.7

kianmeng opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Errors in test with OTP26.1.2/Elixir 1.15.7

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. git clone https://github.com/otobus/event_bus
  2. cd event_bus
  3. mix deps.get
  4. mix test

Expected behavior
Pass all test.


13:03:30.443 [warning] Topic(:user_created) doesn't have subscribers
13:03:36.207 [info] [EVENTBUS][STORE] metrics_received_5.E1.ets_fetch_error

  1) test notify (EventBus.Service.NotificationTest)
     Expected truthy, got false
     code: assert String.contains?(
             "Event log for %EventBus.Model.Event{data: [1, 2], id: \"E1\", initialized_at: nil, occurred_at: nil, source: \"NotificationTest\", topic: :metrics_received, transaction_id: \"T1\", ttl: nil}"

         # 1
         "\n13:03:36.534 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.AnotherBadOne.process/1 raised an error!\n%RuntimeError{message: \"I don't want to handle your event\"}\n\n13:03:36.534 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.AnotherBadOne.process/1 raised an error!\n%RuntimeError{message: \"I don't want to handle your event\"}\n\n13:03:36.539 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne.process/1 raised an error!\n%UndefinedFunctionError{module: EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne, function: :process, arity: 1, reason: nil, message: nil}\n\n13:03:36.539 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne.process/1 raised an error!\n%UndefinedFunctionError{module: EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne, function: :process, arity: 1, reason: nil, message: nil}\n\n13:03:36.540 [info] Event log for %EventBus.Model.Event{id: \"E1\", transaction_id: \"T1\", topic: :metrics_received, data: [1, 2], initialized_at: nil, occurred_at: nil, source: \"NotificationTest\", ttl: nil}\n\n13:03:36.541 [info] Event log for %EventBus.Model.Event{id: \"E123\", transaction_id: \"T1\", topic: :metrics_summed, data: {3, [1, 2]}, initialized_at: nil, occurred_at: nil, source: \"AnotherCalculator\", ttl: nil}\n\n13:03:36.541 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.AnotherBadOne.process/1 raised an error!\n%RuntimeError{message: \"I don't want to handle your event\"}\n\n13:03:36.541 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne.process/1 raised an error!\n%UndefinedFunctionError{module: EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne, function: :process, arity: 1, reason: nil, message: nil}\n\n13:03:36.541 [info] Event log for %EventBus.Model.Event{id: \"E123\", transaction_id: \"T1\", topic: :metrics_summed, data: {3, [1, 2]}, initialized_at: nil, occurred_at: nil, source: \"Logger\", ttl: nil}\n"

         # 2
         "Event log for %EventBus.Model.Event{data: [1, 2], id: \"E1\", initialized_at: nil, occurred_at: nil, source: \"NotificationTest\", topic: :metrics_received, transaction_id: \"T1\", ttl: nil}"

       test/event_bus/services/notification_test.exs:72: (test)

13:03:37.755 [info] [EVENTBUS][OBSERVATION] some_event_occurred1.NA.ets_fetch_error
13:03:37.757 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.AnotherBadOne.process/1 raised an error!
%RuntimeError{message: "I don't want to handle your event"}
13:03:37.757 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne.process/1 raised an error!
%UndefinedFunctionError{module: EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne, function: :process, arity: 1, reason: nil, message: nil}
13:03:37.757 [info] Event log for %EventBus.Model.Event{id: "E1", transaction_id: "T1", topic: :metrics_received, data: [1, 2], initialized_at: nil, occurred_at: nil, source: "NotifierTest", ttl: nil}
13:03:37.757 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.AnotherBadOne.process/1 raised an error!
%RuntimeError{message: "I don't want to handle your event"}
13:03:37.757 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne.process/1 raised an error!
%UndefinedFunctionError{module: EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne, function: :process, arity: 1, reason: nil, message: nil}

13:03:37.757 [info] Event log for %EventBus.Model.Event{id: "E123", transaction_id: "T1", topic: :metrics_summed, data: {3, [1, 2]}, initialized_at: nil, occurred_at: nil, source: "AnotherCalculator", ttl: nil}

13:03:37.757 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne.process/1 raised an error!
%UndefinedFunctionError{module: EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne, function: :process, arity: 1, reason: nil, message: nil}

13:03:37.757 [info] Event log for %EventBus.Model.Event{id: "E123", transaction_id: "T1", topic: :metrics_summed, data: {3, [1, 2]}, initialized_at: nil, occurred_at: nil, source: "Logger", ttl: nil}

13:03:37.758 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.AnotherBadOne.process/1 raised an error!
%RuntimeError{message: "I don't want to handle your event"}

  2) test notify (EventBusTest)
     Expected truthy, got false
     code: assert String.contains?(
             "Event log for %EventBus.Model.Event{data:" <>
               " [1, 7], id: \"M1\", initialized_at: nil, occurred_at: nil," <>
               " source: \"EventBusTest\", topic: :metrics_received," <> " transaction_id: \"T1\", ttl: nil}"

         # 1
         "\n13:03:37.858 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne.process/1 raised an error!\n%UndefinedFunctionError{module: EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne, function: :process, arity: 1, reason: nil, message: nil}\n\n13:03:37.858 [info] Event log for %EventBus.Model.Event{id: \"M1\", transaction_id: \"T1\", topic: :metrics_received, data: [1, 7], initialized_at: nil, occurred_at: nil, source: \"EventBusTest\", ttl: nil}\n\n13:03:37.858 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.AnotherBadOne.process/1 raised an error!\n%RuntimeError{message: \"I don't want to handle your event\"}\n\n13:03:37.858 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne.process/1 raised an error!\n%UndefinedFunctionError{module: EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne, function: :process, arity: 1, reason: nil, message: nil}\n\n13:03:37.859 [info] Event log for %EventBus.Model.Event{id: \"E123\", transaction_id: \"T1\", topic: :metrics_summed, data: {8, [1, 7]}, initialized_at: nil, occurred_at: nil, source: \"Logger\", ttl: nil}\n\n13:03:37.859 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.AnotherBadOne.process/1 raised an error!\n%RuntimeError{message: \"I don't want to handle your event\"}\n\n13:03:37.859 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne.process/1 raised an error!\n%UndefinedFunctionError{module: EventBus.Support.Helper.BadOne, function: :process, arity: 1, reason: nil, message: nil}\n\n13:03:37.859 [info] Event log for %EventBus.Model.Event{id: \"E123\", transaction_id: \"T1\", topic: :metrics_summed, data: {8, [1, 7]}, initialized_at: nil, occurred_at: nil, source: \"AnotherCalculator\", ttl: nil}\n\n13:03:37.859 [info] Elixir.EventBus.Support.Helper.AnotherBadOne.process/1 raised an error!\n%RuntimeError{message: \"I don't want to handle your event\"}\n"

         # 2
         "Event log for %EventBus.Model.Event{data: [1, 7], id: \"M1\", initialized_at: nil, occurred_at: nil, source: \"EventBusTest\", topic: :metrics_received, transaction_id: \"T1\", ttl: nil}"

       test/event_bus_test.exs:48: (test)

Finished in 8.8 seconds (0.00s async, 8.8s sync)
71 tests, 2 failures

Randomized with seed 292741

please complete the following information:

  • OS: Alpine 3.8, Ubuntu x.x, Centos x.x, Mac OS 10.13.2
  • Elixir version: 1.15.7
  • OTP version: 26.1.2

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.