otobus / event_bus

:surfer: Traceable, extendable and minimalist **event bus** implementation for Elixir with built-in **event store** and **event watcher** based on ETS.

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EventBusMetrics uuid dependency rename to elixir_uuid

dimitridewit opened this issue · comments

Upgrading the dependencies of a project I found out that event_bus_metrics
depends on uuid >= 1.1.8. I use uuid in my project as a main dep too. Since that needs to be renamed to elixir_uuid I'm getting the following compile error.

Unchecked dependencies for environment dev:
* uuid (Hex package)
  could not find an app file at "_build/dev/lib/uuid/ebin/uuid.app". This may happen if the dependency was not yet compiled or the dependency indeed has no app file (then you can pass app: false as option)
** (Mix) Can't continue due to errors on dependencies

I think this is having to do with event_bus_metrics still wanting uuid but my project using elixir_uuid now

@dimitridewit it is better to ask on stackoverflow or elixir forums, it is not related to event_bus library.

Could uuid at least be upgraded to elixir_uuid, they have it renamed. I can't make a PR cause I cant seem to find a repo for it?

@mustafaturan The point @dimitridewit is making is that the maintainer of the uuid library has renamed it to elixir_uuid. Any project using event_bus_metrics package cannot currently upgrade the uuid library.