othyn / weltonchippy.uk

Welton Chippy's website

Home Page:https://weltonchippy.uk/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Lint Build and Push GitHub Pages GitHub license Love

Welton Chippy's website (formerly Kedgeree), designed to be fresh and modern with inspiration from the sea with vibrancy. Design is inspired by Vannsl/tailwind-landing-page-nuxt.

The repo is based on NuxtJS (in static mode) which is then containerised and served in a thin Alpine flavoured NGINX image in K8's to keep things light and easily maintainable.

You can find the website at one of the following locations;

With my favorite new fun locations being;


When developing the site, use the following to get setup and running with a hot reload local environment:

# Install dependencies
$ yarn install

# Serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev

# Ensure the code is linted
$ yarn lint

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out the documentation. Thought this sentence was best kept in!

Building the production app image

The CD GitHub Action should auto build and tag an image for you based on when a new tag is created/pushed, so you shouldn't need to build the image manually or push it. This will then become available as part of GitHub's packages feature. Just create a tag via a new GitHub release or push a local tag, and it should do the rest.

GitHub Actions not triggering? Yeah, thought something had majorly broken. But given they worked fine before, and after having a look around online, turns out GitHub Actions was just down. Although a slight annoyance as there isn't a way to trigger the actions manually, so time to delete the v1.0.1 tag, re-create it to trigger the Action when its back online and then re-attach the GitHub release to the tag.

However, if you do wish to do it, go ahead and run a normal Docker Compose build:

# Ensure the code is linted
$ yarn lint

# Production container build
$ docker compose build

# ...or if you're having problems...
$ docker compose build --no-cache

Then push it to a remote container registry of your choice. There should be no requirement to develop from the app container itself, however if you wish to, knock yourself out! You can navigate to http://localhost:8888 to view the container once up'd, or which ever port you defined in ./docker-compose.yml against the uk.weltonchippy.app service.

For manually building a static Nuxt output, here is a handy list of commands;

# Start the development server (static aware)
$ yarn dev

# Bundle your Nuxt application for production if needed (static aware) and export your application to static HTML in `dist/` directory
$ yarn generate

# Serve your production application from `dist/`
$ yarn start


Welton Chippy's website


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Vue 93.4%Language:JavaScript 5.4%Language:SCSS 1.2%