otem / Raspberry-Pi-Looper-synth-drum-thing

My first venture into raspberry pi stuff. Running a custom pure data patch I've been working on for a couple years on a Raspberry Pi 3. This project took a couple months and I'm still tweaking stuff here and there but it's pretty much complete, it even survived it's first live show!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Repo questions

DraakUSA opened this issue · comments

From looking at the repo, I am assuming that piLoopControl.ino is the code for the Teensy, and that everything in the piLooper directory goes on the RaspberryPi. What code are you running on the RaspberryPi?

You are correct. The piLooper directory contains all the pure data code. Just open up piLooper.pd

It took me a while but I now believe i understand that "pure data" is the name of the application I need to install on the Pi which uses the ".pd" files, correct?

Hi, do you also have a wire diagram how to connect all the components?
I would like to find out how to connect the Teensy to the Pi and the MCP23S17's to the Teensy!

Many thanks!