otem / Raspberry-Pi-Looper-synth-drum-thing

My first venture into raspberry pi stuff. Running a custom pure data patch I've been working on for a couple years on a Raspberry Pi 3. This project took a couple months and I'm still tweaking stuff here and there but it's pretty much complete, it even survived it's first live show!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please pick a license

yarwelp opened this issue · comments


Saw a video of yours on YouTube that'd been posted to Reddit. Very cool project.

Please pick a license for your repo. I suggest choosing the ISC license. The ISC license is similar to the BSD family of licenses, except it has some text removed that was determined to be not necessary. The Pure Data project is using a modified BSD license so the ISC license probably aligns with your views on open source.

Choosing a license allows others to easily and confidently know what they can and can not do with the things you've released.

Here is a copy of the ISC license: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/eriknstr/84c5c986607f3e4245991480a40e2c45/raw/d998764c0e914964a380b74b28332ea0c7ca28e7/LICENSE, replace YYYY with the current year (2017), "John Doe" with your own name and john.doe@example.com with your own e-mail address (keep the angle-brackets). Alternatively if you do not wish to include your e-mail you can just remove the placeholder e-mail and angle-brackets.