otanodesignco / Fresnel-Shader-Material

Fresnel shader for threejs & react-three-fiber. Fresnel is a rim lighting effect that creates an inner glow around the mesh. You can control the intensity, the power, and the basis for the ultimate control over your rim lighting.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fresnel Material

Fresnel material that creates rim lighting of 3D mesh. There is an option to use the fresnel effect to mask transparency of the mesh for rim lighting only. Pass in the alpha prop of the Torus component of the demo. Allows for fine tuning the effect with the power factor, bias factor, and rim color intensity.

Fresnel Effect https://fresnel-shader-material.vercel.app/

Fresnel Demo

Sample image: Transparent Fresnel Effect

Fresnel Alpha Demo

to use:

npm install

npm run dev


Fresnel shader for threejs & react-three-fiber. Fresnel is a rim lighting effect that creates an inner glow around the mesh. You can control the intensity, the power, and the basis for the ultimate control over your rim lighting.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 93.7%Language:HTML 5.2%Language:CSS 1.1%