osy / HaC-Mini

Intel NUC Hades Canyon Hackintosh support

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Xcode Command Line tools required for Secure Boot

Jaredjiapeng opened this issue · comments

I used the HacMini V3.15.pkg to make a USB installer.

Please attach /var/log/install.log
2022-03-15 16:33:35+08 JaredjiadeHacmini Installer[2648]: install:didFailWithError:Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=112 "An error occurred while running scripts from the package “HaCMini.pkg”." UserInfo={NSFilePath=./postinstall, NSURL=file:///Users/jaredjia/Desktop/HaCMini.pkg#HaCMiniCore.pkg, PKInstallPackageIdentifier=com.osy86.hacmini.core, NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred while running scripts from the package “HaCMini.pkg”.}
2022-03-15 16:33:35+08 JaredjiadeHacmini installd[699]: PackageKit: Removing client PKInstallDaemonClient pid=2648, uid=501 (/System/Library/CoreServices/Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Installer)
2022-03-15 16:33:35+08 JaredjiadeHacmini installd[699]: PackageKit: Done with sandbox removals
2022-03-15 16:33:35+08 JaredjiadeHacmini Installer[2648]: PackageKit: Bypassing the enforcement checker since the destination is read/write
2022-03-15 16:33:35+08 JaredjiadeHacmini Installer[2648]: Install failed: The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
2022-03-15 16:33:35+08 JaredjiadeHacmini Installer[2648]: IFDInstallController 3CA13C0 state = 8
2022-03-15 16:33:35+08 JaredjiadeHacmini Installer[2648]: Displaying 'Install Failed' UI.
2022-03-15 16:33:35+08 JaredjiadeHacmini Installer[2648]: 'Install Failed' UI displayed message:'The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.'.


You cut off a lot of important data. Delete install.log, try again, and post the full install.log that gets generated.


xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun

Can you reinstall the Xcode command line tools?

Yes,I can try to install the Xcode command line tools.

Thank you very much,problem has been solved already!!!


Updated guide.