ostinelli / syn

A scalable global Process Registry and Process Group manager for Erlang and Elixir.

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connection between nodes

lang100 opened this issue · comments


Trying to get started with syn, but it doesn't seem to work :
I have two node in my machine (foo@my-pc and bar@my-pc).
in foo i have a simple genserver that is started with this name : {:via, :syn, :example_server},
and handles a :get call.
running : GenServer.whereis({:via, :syn, :example_server})
gives me the pid.
My problem is in bar:
I connected the nodes :
Node.connect :'foo@my-pc'
And than tried running GenServer.whereis({:via, :syn, :example_server})
but i get nil
and of course GenServer.call({:via, :syn, :example_server}, :get) doesn't work :(
What am i missing ?

👍 same for me there

I'll create separate issue with Erlang code inside, but not Elixir.

My explanation #35

There isn't enough information for me to provide feedback. Please see if your configurations are correct, including the one @cystbear refers to.