ostinelli / syn

A scalable global Process Registry and Process Group manager for Erlang and Elixir.

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Not able to receive messages to a process group after node split rejoin

jeremytregunna opened this issue · comments

I've got two nodes, A and B which service users who can communicate with one another. In the event A splits from B, and later rejoins, A no longer receives messages originated from B. Since I can't call syn.init() again, how do I correct this behavior?

You shouldn't do anything, Syn will perform the merge for you automatically after node B rejoins.

Are you sure the two nodes reconnected? It is not enough that the nets split was over: Erlang alone won't do this since it does not manage nodes' reconnection. For instance in production systems I use Syn in conjunction with Cowbell.

Yeah I'm reconnecting for sure. Project is actually an Elixir project, and I'm running this through iex. So I'm manually issuing a Node.connect :"app@" and checking Node.list after.

@jeremytregunna I don't know what you are experiencing. There currently is a test suite that covers this, on top of actually having seen it amend in production environments myself more than once.

Care to show me how to reproduce? Erlang only though.

I've not been able to reproduce after building a small test. Clearly there's an issue with my main app. Thank you. Closing.