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SRS is a simple, high-efficiency, real-time video server supporting RTMP, WebRTC, HLS, HTTP-FLV, SRT, MPEG-DASH, and GB28181.

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The first time I pulled the stream, there was only sound, and there was no image. When I initiated the second stream pull, I was able to see both the image and hear the sound normally.

jiangzhibin opened this issue · comments

Streaming device A is streaming to the server. Viewing device B initiates the first pull stream from the server. There is a certain probability of encountering "avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0" and then there is sound but no image. After encountering the above situation, switch to device C for pulling the stream. Device C is able to display the video and image correctly, while device B still has no image, only sound. The following is the log before enabling mix_correct (after enabling mix_correct, "avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header" keeps appearing).

[2016-11-29 13:36:28.608][trace][21669][965] simple handshake success.
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.609][trace][21669][965] connect app, tcUrl=rtmp://anfang.263nt.com/6099379B-D4C9-4C3E-B64C-90898809796A?deviceId=10001&accessToken=9E5D35420FE74B1CBC0EAF6F5019D5FB, pageUrl=, swfUrl=, schema=rtmp, vhost=__defaultVhost__, port=1935, app=6099379B-D4C9-4C3E-B64C-90898809796A, args=null
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.609][trace][21669][965] out chunk size to 60000
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.673][trace][21669][965] client identified, type=fmle-publish, stream_name=live, duration=-1.00
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.694][trace][21669][965] source url=/6099379B-D4C9-4C3E-B64C-90898809796A/live, ip=, cache=1, is_edge=0, source_id=-1[-1]
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.743][trace][21669][965] hls: win=4.00, frag=1.00, prefix=, path=./objs/nginx/html, m3u8=[app]/[stream].m3u8, ts=[app]/[stream]-[seq].ts, aof=2.00, floor=0, clean=1, waitk=1, dispose=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.753][trace][21669][965] start publish mr=0/350, p1stpt=20000, pnt=20000, tcp_nodelay=0, rtcid=968
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.814][trace][21669][970] RTMP client ip=
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.829][trace][21669][965] 4B audio sh, codec(10, profile=LC, 1channels, 0kbps, 44100HZ), flv(16bits, 2channels, 44100HZ)
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.829][trace][21669][970] complex handshake success
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.833][trace][21669][970] connect app, tcUrl=rtmp://anfang.263nt.com:1935/6099379B-D4C9-4C3E-B64C-90898809796A, pageUrl=, swfUrl=, schema=rtmp, vhost=__defaultVhost__, port=1935, app=6099379B-D4C9-4C3E-B64C-90898809796A, args=null
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.833][trace][21669][970] out chunk size to 60000
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.885][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.885][trace][21669][970] ignore AMF0/AMF3 command message.
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.890][trace][21669][970] ignore AMF0/AMF3 command message.
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.933][trace][21669][970] client identified, type=Play, stream_name=live, duration=-1.00
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.933][trace][21669][970] source url=/6099379B-D4C9-4C3E-B64C-90898809796A/live, ip=, cache=1, is_edge=0, source_id=965[965]
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.933][trace][21669][970] dispatch cached gop success. count=3, duration=50
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.933][trace][21669][970] create consumer, queue_size=30.00, jitter=1
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.943][trace][21669][970] mw changed sleep 350=>350, max_msgs=128, esbuf=218750, sbuf 87040=>218750, realtime=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.943][trace][21669][970] start play smi=0.00, mw_sleep=350, mw_enabled=1, realtime=0, tcp_nodelay=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.943][trace][21669][971] ignored. set buffer length to 3000
[2016-11-29 13:36:28.949][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.043][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.112][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.139][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.221][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.280][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.397][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.440][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.489][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.501][trace][21669][738] 43B video sh,  codec(7, profile=Baseline, level=Other, 640x480, 0kbps, 0fps, 0s)
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.599][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.646][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.699][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.768][warn][21669][965][11] avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.797][trace][21669][965] 43B video sh,  codec(7, profile=Baseline, level=Other, 640x480, 0kbps, 0fps, 0s)
[2016-11-29 13:36:29.904][warn][21669][965][11] VIDEO: stream not monotonically increase, please open mix_correct.


#408 Is this what caused it?


The first time there was no image during the streaming, but subsequent streaming attempts were normal. This problem occurs frequently, not occasionally.


For comparison, three streaming media tests were conducted using nginx-rtmp-module, Red5, and Adobe Media Server, all of which did not have the aforementioned issues.


There is a detail, which is that during the first streaming, the time for pulling the stream is earlier than pushing the stream. In other words, pulling the stream happens first, and a few seconds later, pushing the stream will take place.


Encountered the same problem. This is the test source:

ffmpeg -i rtmp://lssplay.iermu.com/iermu/58fed5be006abe6044e9d0ae1c1b9809 -c:a aac -ar 44100 -ab 48k -c:v libx264 -f flv rtmp:/localhost/live/test


The root cause of this problem is that if the first data frame that comes in for streaming is not the sequence header (sps/pps), but IPB data frames, then the following issues will occur:

avc ignore type=1 for no sequence header. ret=0

At the same time, forwarding IPB frames to the client may cause the player to fail in decoding and result in a black screen.

Should IPB frames be discarded directly before receiving sps/pps? It should be possible to use this logic because without sps/pps, decoding is definitely not possible.