ossobv / proxmove

Migrate virtual machines between different Proxmox VE clusters with minimal downtime

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Would this work without a Cluster?

rjsears opened this issue · comments

I just built a new cluster and I want to migrate all of my CTs and VMs over to the cluster from a stand-alone node. This says cluster-to-cluster. Would it work from a single node to a cluster?

Many Thanks!

Well. If your standalone node has an API, then I see no reason why not.

When you say API what do you mean? The stand-alone node is just a Proxmox server that is not part of any cluster at all. It has about 30 VMs & CTs. I didn't add any type of API beyond what comes with Proxmox.


I didn't add any type of API beyond what comes with Proxmox.

Nor did I.

Then I guess you're good to go.

Perfect, I will give it a shot!

OK, making progress. turns out it was a path issue with mbuffer. Now when I run it I am getting the following:
# https://proxmox01:8006/api2/json api.nodes("proxmox01/lxc").create(vmid=101, **{'swap': 512, 'ostemplate': 'SRCDISK:vztmpl/ubuntu-14.04-standard_14.04-1_amd64.tar.gz', 'ostype': 'ubuntu', 'cores': 1, 'unprivileged': 1, 'net0': 'name=eth0,bridge=vmbr40,firewall=1,hwaddr=EA:4F:E5:A9:91:05,ip=dhcp,type=veth', 'arch': 'amd64', 'memory': 512, 'rootfs': 'DSTDISK:subvol-101-disk-1,size=20G'})

And the following error:
proxmoxer.core.ResourceException: 500 Internal Server Error: storage 'SRCDISK' does not exist - b'{"data":null}'

But the container I am attempting to migrate is using an Ubuntu 20.04 template (which is available on both systems) and by looking at the command above it looks like it is looking for a 14.04 template.

So moving on from CT to VMs I am seeing this error:

ValueError: storage 'SSD_IMAGES' in 'proxmox-old' cluster missing in config

Yet, it is in my config:


And available on the 'sending' system (hostname = proxmox)
Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 12 48 13 PM

I suppose this:


should be:




(I agree that the config syntax is abysmal.)

As for your LXC ostemplate 14.04 issue:


Lines 422 to 424 in 9ca7b4c

# This file is hardcoded for now, and will not work on
# your system.

It is indeed hardcoded, as you can/could see.

But, we don't use LXC in our Proxmox landscape, so I'm pretty sure migration of those is not (well) implemented.

(Pro-tip: use the --debug flag for more output.)

Thanks for this info, just back from flight rotation, I will take a look at your suggestions and see if I can make it work :-)