osrf / ovc

the Open Vision Computer

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oh noes, error reading IMU!

chenste opened this issue · comments


We are getting the following error from the OVC1 when we are trying to launch the driver:


We have not seen this error before. Do you have any idea on what would be causing it?


Thanks for the response. It happened when we plugged in a VLP-16 into it, and also by itself. This also happens after a full cold boot.

We originally did not have this problem and was able to launch the driver, but had to replace the lens mounts. After we replaced the lens mounts, we now get this error every time. We have run the reconfigure_fpga.sh and init_fpga.sh scripts in separate boots but still have this error.

Interesting. Was it powered when the VLP-16 was pluged in, or unpowered? I'm hoping static discharge didn't zap anything during the lens mount exchange, but it sounds suspicious.

Any chance that the new lens mounts or VLP wiring could be somehow shorting some pins or connector headers? If everything other than power+ethernet is unplugged, does anything change? If not, how about removing lens mounts?

Otherwise, the next level of debug would be to probe the IMU header (on bottom edge of board, underneath "AWESOMECAM") with a logic analyzer or oscilloscope and see if stuff is happening there. During the driver node startup, you should see some SPI traffic as it configures a few register settings, and after driver node startup, ideally you would see a 200 Hz pulse train on the SYNC_OUT pin and regular SPI traffic on {CS, SCK, MOSI, MISO} as it polls the readings.

The goal is just to try to figure out if the problem is "upstream" or "downstream" of the IMU.