osmandapp / OsmAnd-iOS

OsmAnd for iOS

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Route calculation makes the app crash - avoid parameters

matteoar1 opened this issue · comments


Calculating a 90 km route makes the app crash.
The only parameters I added are:

  • Avoid paid roads;
  • Avoid Highways.
    I subscripted for the annual plan, I don't know if makes a difference in the app.

I also tried to change the language of the app but it didn't make difference.

Steps to reproduce

  1. In Menu → Configure profile (Boat, Driving, Walking or another one) → Navigation settings → Navigation type select select the two parameters (avoid paid roads and highways).
  2. Calculate a route
  3. wait for the app to crash.

Actual result

The app crash.
I cannot use it.


Expected result

I know that the app calculate the route locally but I didn't expect problems with a 90kms route!
I just want calculate a route without highways!

Your Environment (required)

WARNING Crash-Logs MAY contain information you deem sensitive.
Review this CAREFULLY before posting your issue!

OsmAnd Version: (but I also tried the betas)
Android/iOS version: 17.2.1 (I'll update to 17.3.1 today)
Device model: iPhone 14 Pro
Crash-Logs: Attached

feb 21, 2024 12_32.log
feb 21, 2024 12_13.log
feb 21, 2024 12_25.log
feb 21, 2024 12_29.log
Feb 21, 2024 12_47.log

OsmAnd TestFlight iOS 17.2.1
Reproduced using motorbike profile with Avoid Toll roads and Avoid Motorways options enabled. No crash logs were generated
profile -
start - 45.55350° N, 8.94856° E
finish - 45.13229° N, 9.55666° E

Feb 23, 2024 10_57.log


OsmAnd TestFlight iOS 17.2.1 Reproduced using motorbike profile with Avoid Toll roads and Avoid Motorways options enabled. No crash logs were generated Feb 23, 2024 10_57.log


It literally crashed.

I don't understand here. Are you telling me that the app doesn't crash?

Can someone help me please? I paid for the app and I'm not able to use it as planned.

We reproduced the crash and going to fix it. Though as a quick workaround you can try different profile / parameters until we fix it.

Hello, @vshcherb can you give me update? I contacted the support team but they won't give me my money back (that's absurd) nor a redeem code (absurd too) for the time I'm not able to use the app the way I want (the way I paid for!).
How much time should I wait in order to see the problem fixed? Thank you.

I cannot do it. My app crash. I tested even with the beta but it still crash.

Are you doing it with the simulator??

If you do it on the actual phone it will crash the app. Even with the latest beta.

If you do it on the actual phone it will crash the app. Even with the latest beta.

Yes, the screenshots made from a simulator with current master build.

Significant fix for car/moto routing was commited at Sun Feb 25 03:05:51 2024

Could you share the version and date of the latest beta you have tried?

Hopefully it should be fixed in builds after 26 Feb.

I just tried right now and yes, it works for a 94km trip it works but if you change the destination for example "Piacenza" (trip long 112km!) it crashes. The app doesn't create crash log. The same problem.


mar 01, 2024 20_14.log

It is just a matter of distance? It is just 110 kms... I have a one year old phone it should be able to calculate a <300km route??? I will never be able to use your app for longer trips?

This new routing algorithm crash I don't think it's a crash out of memory.


Should be treated as bug

INFO: Route not found (dijkstra+recalc) 3062795 -> 3062418
INFO: No route found


# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f5cf928b13f, pid=913858, tid=914442
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (17.0.10+7) (build 17.0.10+7-Ubuntu-122.04.1)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (17.0.10+7-Ubuntu-122.04.1, mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, linux-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
# C  [osmand-5674676799666209240.lib+0x2fb13f]  HHRoutePlanner::recalculateNetworkCluster(std::shared_ptr<HHRoutingContext> const&, NetworkDBPoint*)+0x7f

This new routing algorithm crash I don't think it's a crash out of memory.

Enabling Developer plugin and using "Special Routing" is the solution. I don't know what it does, probably change the routing algorithm.

I tried to calculate the same route with the same profile (motorcycle, no tolls road, no highways)"Special routing" turned on and off.

Route 90kms
With special routing on calculation took 4 seconds. (Video n°1)
With special routing off calculation took 2' 30". (Video n°2)

I tried the same with a 125kms route and(No video due to file dimensions):
With special routing on calculation took 9 seconds
With special routing off the app crashes.

I tried the same with a 700kms route and (no video):
With special routing on calculation took 10-20 seconds
With special routing off the app crashes.


OsmAnd TestFlight

The issue is no more reproducible

... using motorbike profile with Avoid Toll roads and Avoid Motorways options enabled. No crash logs were generated profile - Motorcycle.osf.txt start - 45.55350° N, 8.94856° E finish - 45.13229° N, 9.55666° E

Settings Old routing New routing

The issue is still here. Please reopen the case. It is not possible to calculate a 90km road with no toll road and no motorways. That's absurd.