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Flight Metrics (Glide Ratio) – Widget

dmpr0 opened this issue · comments


Android task osmandapp/OsmAnd#16968

To Do

Glide ratio is the horizontal distance divided by change in altitude. I. For example, if my handglider has a glide ration of 7:1 (7 to 1), then for each foot of altitude lost I travel forward 7 feet.

Widget group

  • Add new widget group Flight Metrics, with two widgets:

Glide ratio to target, Figma

Main screen Mode Map
  • Name – Glide ratio to target, glide_ratio_to_target
    • Icon widget_glide_ratio_to_target
    • Description – Shows the glide ratio needed to reach the target point., map_widget_glide_target_desc


  • Glide ratio to target
    • Should show glide ratio to first map marker.
    • Formatting: 7.4 : 1. (7,4 units of distance forward for each unit of descent)
    • If selected add description – First map marker will be used as target.
  • Target elevation
    • Show elevation of target object, for example 320 m
    • Name on map – Target elevation
    • If selected add description – Terrain map (3D) is needed for retrieving elevation for target.

Average glide ratio, Figma

Average glide ratio Mode Interval
  • Should show glide ratio over configurable interval
  • Description – Shows the average glide ratio or vertical speed for the set interval..


  • Average glide ratio
    • Show average glide ratio over configurable interval
    • Icon widget_glide_ratio_average
  • Average vertical speed
    • Show average vertical speed over configurable interval
    • Icon - widget_vertical_average_speed


  • The same set of values as for Average speed widget


Terrain – off Terrain – on
  • Target elevation should work if Terrain maps is present, not depended on Terrain or 3D Relief options status
  • Show instead of -19 999

  • Tap on widget (top/bottom) work with lag? Glide ratio to target
  • Implement vertical speed

Special values

+-0:1 - You over/under the point destination
0:0 - You on the point of destination
+1:0 - You and target on the same altitude

> 200:1 -> 1:0
< -200:1 -> -1:0
  • Wrong speed in simuation
  • If no altitute in point : glide ratio is '-' and target elevation '-' ( 1) widget dissapears if no marker on click 2) outputs wrong numbers if marker is set)
  • Glide ratio should be positive on descent !
  • Average vertical speed unit (only m/s or ft/s)
  • Can't have 2 separate widgets
    Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 16 18 15
  • Wrong calculation = 199000/(10999-382) = 18.74
  • 3D relief is on