osiris123 / CDLL_Loader

Loading DLL files in C++

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DLL Loader / DLL Injections in C++ for Windows


I wrote this project back in 2011 when I was playing a bit with DLL Injections. The class is used to Inject DLL's into running process in Windows.

There are 4 files in this project

  • CDLL_Loader.cpp
  • CDLL_Loader.h
  • String_Conversion.cpp
  • String_Conversion.h

CDLL_Loader has methods to Load and Eject DLL from running process. String Conversion is used to convert byte to string.

Usage Example

CDLL_Loader loader;
DWORD Pid = loader.GetProcessIdByName("cmd.exe");

std::cout << "Cmd.exe PID:  " << Pid << std::endl;

if (loader.InitDLL(Pid, "c://someDllFile.dll") == INIT_OK) {
	std::cout << "DLL Injected Succesfully!" << std::endl;


Loading DLL files in C++