oshu / dotfiles

files I use to configure my environment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Some files I use to configure my shell environment.


  • profile

    The main bash profile. Replaces .profile and .bash_profile.

    • Ensures /sbin and /usr/sbin are in the path.

    • Sets history to ignore common commands like clear and ls.

    • Sets history to ignore duplicate commands.

  • bashrc

    Replaces .bashrc file to configure interactive sessions.

    • Sets history to append after every commands.

    • Sets up a fancy prompt unless you are root (details below).

    • Adds aliases for common commands.

  • promptrc

    Sourced by bashrc to create the fancy prompt.

    • Creates a two line prompt.

    • Hostname turns red if last command failed.

    • Hostname is inversed for remote ssh sessions.

    • Shows branch name when currect directy is a git repo.

    • Git branch name turn magenta when repo is dirty, green when clean.

    • Command number is displayed for easy resue.


  1. Add the variable DOTFILES to your bash profile and set it to the path of your dotfiles git checkout. Export it so the other scripts can use it.
export DOTFILES="$HOME/Workspace/dotfiles"
  1. Add a stanza to source the main profile.
if [[ -f $PROFILE ]]
  source $PROFILE
  1. (Make sure you have gnu stow installed first) Move your .bashrc and run the stow.sh script.
$ mv $HOME/.bashrc $HOME/.bashrc-orig
$ ./stow.sh


files I use to configure my environment


Language:Vim Script 91.2%Language:Python 4.4%Language:Shell 4.4%