osdnk / PBD

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-postgresql-on-ubuntu-14-04 Follow this tutorial. Even though it's written for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, I suppose it's ok for every platform (with small differences like package manager). Let us suppose that you can type

sudo -i -u postres

And without any error enter PSQL by typing


Create database

Well, In first order you need to create database. In fact, you could name it as you wish, but I suppose it would be reasonable to name it PBD as I did. Type:

create database PBD;

Do not forget about semicolon. It could be tricky.


to list databases on your host. If there's one labeled pbd it's fine :)


Let us suppose that you have .sql file with create table commands. type


to leave psql and then go to folder with PBD_create.sql file. It's a default name from vertabello

psql pbd < PBD_create.sql

then in order do connect

\c pbd

I believe that everything went fine amd now you see 14 tables owned by mysterious postgres :) https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/sql-select.html Here's postegres syntax. That's easy Check if everything is fine by:

select * from clients;



TBD. We's rather have to populate in proper order. It would be great if will make FK only to already existing fields :). Made example:

psql pbd < populate.sql

We can make long populaton script. But I think that we could also make it using DataGrip. Just populate it and then make a bump of database. And then we could run it on every machine.

Oooor, we can use elixir and be fancy and functonal


Given you followed tutorial http://elixir-lang.github.io/install.html, let us make it runnable.
In order to get deps

mix deps.get

And run interactive mode

iex -S mix

The you could type

{:ok, pid} = Postgrex.start_link(hostname: "localhost", username: "postgres", password: "postgres", database: "pbd")
Postgrex.query!(pid, "SELECT * FROM conferences", [])

Looks fine. meh? :)
You could do it from file as well

iex -S mix

:world! Look in lib/pbd.ex/ It's so easy


Ok, but do we really wish to compile all this shit every time? Maybe some script? ctr+c twice

mix run lib/population

This file will great some day :') and that's essential



Language:Python 68.5%Language:Elixir 31.5%