oscarpilote / Ortho4XP

A scenery generator for the X-Plane flight simulator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Delete data from custom output

Gfurst opened this issue · comments

I can't tell if just me, but appears to me that the delete data function over the world/collection window doesn't work for merged output folders, where all tiles collect into a single scenery folder.
This be a bit troublesome if you re-run tiles with different settings, for example, using a different zoomlevel or provider, will create a whole array of files for texture designation, somewhat related to my issue #141, in the way that you can't tell which files are being used or which ones can be discarded. DSF files aren't removed either, so improving this tool could be very beneficial to handling merged tile scenery.

On that same note, seems that cleanup utilities won't work with merged tiles either, cleaning_level in the config, unless I'm misinterpreting how this is supposed to work.

True. Grouped tiles have some limitations (maybe because I never used them, which isn't a valid excuse...).